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多年来的实践告诉我们,要使学校德育工作富有实效,就必须使学校的德育工作校本化,必须深入探索校本德育工作机制。在探索的过程中,我们认为学校的德育工作体系包括学校德育工作的目标、内容、途径、方法和评价等重要环节,而校本德育工作机制正是保证学校德育工作体系正常运行的动力。一、校本德育工作的目标导向机制学校德育工作的目标是制定实施内容、途径、方法、评价体系等的基础和前提,并具有强有力的导向作用。由于学校的差异性,制定校本德育工作目标,应符合学校德育工作的普遍规律,即共性,也要反映本校的实际,即个性,求得两者的统一。这样的目标,才是德育工作的校本目标。我校德育目标的确定是从3个维度来思考的。一是要适应时代的发展、社会的需求。学校德育工作 The practice over the years has taught us that to make the school moral education work more effective, it is necessary to make school moral education work in a school-based manner, and it is necessary to further explore the school-based moral education work mechanism. In the process of exploration, we believe that the school’s moral education system includes the key objectives, content, ways, methods, and evaluations of the school’s moral education work, and the school-based moral education mechanism is the driving force for ensuring the normal operation of the school’s moral education system. 1. The goal-oriented mechanism of school-based moral education work The goal of school moral education work is to formulate the basis and prerequisites for the implementation of content, approaches, methods, and evaluation systems, and to have a strong guiding role. Due to the differences in schools, the establishment of school-based moral education work objectives should conform to the universal law of school moral education work, that is, commonality, but also reflect the reality of the school, that is, personality, to achieve the unity of the two. This goal is the school-based goal of moral education. The determination of moral education goals in our school is based on three dimensions. The first is to adapt to the development of the times and the needs of society. School moral education
白斑综合征病毒(white spot syndrome virus,WSSV),是对虾养殖中主要的致病病毒,在全球范围内引起急性感染和致死反应,带来巨大的经济损失。之前的研究主要集中在对虾的先天
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20 0 2年 1 0月号问题解答(解答由问题提供人给出 )1 3 96 ⊙O是△ABC的内切圆 .D、E、F是BC、CA、AB上的切点 ,DD′、EE′、FF′都是⊙O的直径 .求证 :直线AD′、BE′、CF′共点 .(安徽省怀宁江镇中学
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