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【欧洲核学会《核新闻网》 1 999年 4月2 9日报道】 美国在对其核电站进行的抽查表明 ,这些核电站正在按计划致力于解决计算机 2 0 0 0年问题 (Y2 K)。这次的现场检查是由美国核管会(NRC)在 1 998年 9月至 1 999年 1月间进行的。 NRC昨天宣布所检查的 1 2台反应堆机组将会达到 A nuclear test conducted by the United States on its nuclear power station shows that these nuclear power plants are working on their plans to solve the computer problem of 2000 (Y2 K). The site inspection was conducted by the NRC between September 1998 and January 1999. The NRC announced yesterday that the 12 reactor units it inspected will reach
Theγ neutron dose rate in the environment of HIRFL, the total α,β,238U, 237Th, 226Ra and 40K activitieswere measured when the 75MeV/u 12C6++Be with intensity o
【英国《自然》杂志 1999年 4月 8日报道】 美国劳伦斯·利弗莫尔国立研究所的研究小组 ,研究成功了桌子大小的激光装置 ,它能实现氘核聚变。虽然装置规模很小 ,不能获得用
Introduction With the development of reactor physics and computer, now, the covariance data become more and more important in the nuclear engineering applicati
Islamic silver coins (Dirhams) running the period between 107 to 126 Hijri( (726-743 AD), which belong to the Umayyad Empire period, 41-132 hijri (661-750 AD),
Locked modes are observed in many Tokamaks. The locked mode is typically a purely growing, non-rotating, non-axisymmetric magnetic field perturbation with polo
Introduction This is a new evaluation for neutron cross sections of ~(115)In. The experimental data mainly taken from EXFOR, and the recommended data are compa