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莱芜市林工商总公司成立于1982年7月,1984年开始转为企业管理。仅10年时间,这个公司一举跃为山东省同行业的先进企业。现有职工216名,固定资产3000万元。主要经营木材购销、装饰工程、家具制作、带锯加工,铝合金装饰加工、恒温库贮鲜、建筑装饰材料经营、饭店、装运等九个项目。1994年又与香港国和实业有限公司合资兴办了“和兴控制索工业有限公司”。10年来,公司伴随着市场经济的不断发展,内部改革不断深入,效益年年有增长。1995年利税达400万元,列山东省同行业先进水平,连续被评为省、市林业先进单位,被莱芜市政府命名为红旗文明单位、明星企业。建立林工商公司是莱芜市林业局从解决林业发展本身经济困难的目的出发的。1982年林业局领导认识到:林业内部的经济实力远远不能适应加快发展林业的客观要求。必须想方设法抓经济、搞经营、找出路,尽快从经济上壮大行业建设,才能适应林业发展的要求。必须解放思想,努力把林工商公司的经营办好,力争在几年内把林工商公司办成带动全市林业发展的龙头企业。以此为突破点,大力发展林业产业,提高林业内部的整体 Laiwu City Forestry Industry and Commerce Corporation was established in July 1982 and began to be transformed into a business management company in 1984. In just 10 years, the company has been leaping into advanced enterprises in the same industry in Shandong Province. 216 employees, 30 million yuan in fixed assets. Mainly engaged in timber purchase and sale, decoration engineering, furniture production, band saw processing, aluminum alloy decoration processing, storage constant temperature storage, building decoration materials management, restaurants, shipping and other nine projects. In 1994, he established a joint venture with Hong Kong State Industrial Co., Ltd. and “Hexing Control Cable Industry Co., Ltd.”. In the past 10 years, the company has been accompanied by the continuous development of the market economy, internal reforms have been deepened, and benefits have increased year after year. In 1995, the profit and tax amounted to 4 million yuan, which was listed in the advanced level of the same industry in Shandong Province. It was continuously named as an advanced unit of forestry in the province and city and was named as a red flag civilized unit and star enterprise by the Laiwu Municipal Government. The establishment of the Lin’s Industrial and Commercial Company was initiated by the Laiwu Forestry Bureau for the purpose of solving the economic difficulties of forestry development itself. In 1982, the leaders of the Forestry Bureau realized that the economic strength within the forestry sector is far from meeting the objective requirements for accelerating the development of forestry. Must find ways to grasp the economy, engage in operations, find out the way, as soon as possible from the economic expansion of the industry to meet the requirements of forestry development. We must emancipate our minds and work hard to manage the forest industry and commerce companies, and strive to establish the forest industry and commerce company as a leading enterprise in the city’s forestry development within a few years. With this as a breakthrough point, vigorously develop the forestry industry and improve the entire forestry industry.
Compaq公司一直指责Packard Bell以旧充新销售PC机,但近日Packard Bell又反戈一击。戏剧性地将Compaq推向了被告席。在Packard Bell提供的15页反诉讼书中,“细数”了Compaq
据来自美国华盛顿电力工业数据研究所的报告,1993年到2002年间全球新增装机容量预将达55万 MW,其中亚洲约占总数的45%,目前全球已投入运行的装机容量约290.5万 MW,到2002年
Sun公司95年底推出其Ultra系列64位Unix工作站,价格极低,大出分析家和用户们的意外。该工作站的性能是其老SPARCstation 20型号性能的2到4倍,而价格比其对手的机器还便宜。