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“三农”问题是党中央、国务院近年来高度重视并着力解决的一个重要问题。2004年在中央一系列支农政策的支持下,农村工作出现了多年来少有的好局面。但是必须清醒看到,农业依然是中国经济的薄弱环节,投入不足、基础脆弱的状况并没有改变,粮食增产、农民增收的长效机制并没有建立,制约农业、农村和农民发展的深层次矛盾并没有消除,农村经济社会发展明显滞后的矛盾并没有消除,农村改革和发展仍然处在艰难的爬坡和攻坚阶段,解决“三农”问题仍然任重而道远。全方位着手,解决城乡二元经济结构长期积累的矛盾和问题,实现城乡经济协调发展。近期,沈阳大学社科部部分教师,通过调研,从调整农业结构、发展农业产业化、变革农业生产方式、增加农民收入、加快科技进步、转变农民思想观念、深化乡镇体制改革这些问题进行研究和论述,以期对“三农”问题的解决有所裨益。 The issue of “agriculture, rural areas and farmers” is an important issue that the Central Party Committee and the State Council attach great importance to in an effort to solve in recent years. With the support of a series of agriculture-supported policies of the Central Government in 2004, rural work has seen a rare good situation over the years. However, we must be soberly aware that agriculture is still the weakest link in China’s economy. The inadequate investment and the fragile basic conditions have not changed. The long-term mechanism of increasing grain output and increasing farmers’ income has not been established, and the deep-rooted contradictions that restrict the development of agriculture, rural areas and peasants The situation of rural areas, agriculture, rural areas and farmers has not been solved. The contradictions between the backward development of the rural economy and social development have not been eliminated. The rural reform and development are still at a difficult stage of climbing and tackling hardships. The issue of solving the “three rural issues” still has a long way to go. We will start all round to solve the long-term accumulation of contradictions and problems in the urban-rural dual economic structure and achieve the coordinated development of urban and rural economy. Recently, some teachers of the social science department of Shenyang University conducted research and studies on some issues such as adjusting agricultural structure, developing agricultural industrialization, reforming agricultural production methods, increasing farmers ’incomes, accelerating scientific and technological progress, changing peasants’ ideas and concepts, and deepening the reform of township and town agencies through research. Exposition, with a view to solve the “three rural issues” helpful.