行业盼发展 企业在期待

来源 :中国勘察设计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tzsxf668
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当今,勘察设计行业个人执业资格制度改革成为业内关注的热点问题之一。众多业内人士认为,这项工作关系到行业的长远发展,关系到勘察设计企业的生存壮大,关系到我国勘察设计人才队伍的建设成长。为此,中国勘察设计协会领导高度重视,将其列为2013年的重大调研课题。业内企业和广大设计技术人员也翘首以待,寄予厚望。执业资格制度是市场经济国家对专业技术人员管理的通用准则。该制度形成的初衷,主要是在涉及国家和人民生命财产安全及公共利益的专业技术领域,基于市场经济运行环境和依照法律,来规范和约束市场秩序以及人们的服务行为。 Today, the reform of the individual qualification system in the survey and design industry has become one of the hot issues in the industry. Many people in the industry believe that this work has a bearing on the long-term development of the industry, the existence and growth of the survey and design enterprises, and the growth of the contingent of survey and design professionals in our country. To this end, China Survey and Design Association leaders attach great importance to be listed as a major research topic in 2013. Industry enterprises and the majority of design and technical staff also waiting, high hopes. The practice qualification system is a common guideline for the management of professional and technical personnel in market economy countries. The original intention of the system was to standardize and restrain the market order and people’s service behavior based on the operating environment of the market economy and in accordance with the law in the fields of professional and technical fields involving the life and property safety of the people and the state and the public interest.
贵刊今年第1期刊登的《万勿逼孙成龙》一文,有着极强的现实意义。如今,有些望孙辈成龙成凤的爷爷奶奶不惜采取打骂的手段来教育孙辈,结果适得其反。如何帮 Your article pub
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新的科研单位会计制度(以下简称新制度)增加了“698无形资产”会计科目。对于这个科目,在科研单位的绝大部分会计人员尚感到陌生。我结合自己学习的体会,谈几点认识。 一、无