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  1. At some point①, you gotta decide for yourself who you’re going to be. Can’t let nobody make that decision for you.
  2. I wasn’t never really worth shit. Never really did anything I actually wanted to do. All I could do was to do what folks② thought I should be doing.
  3. It just come through③ the hood④ and it’s like everything stop for a second⑤. Because everyone just wanna feel it. Everything just get quiet. And it’s like you can hear is your own heartbeat⑥. It makes you wanna cry, feel so good.
  4. I cry so much sometimes. I feel like just turn into⑦drops. Think you can roll out⑧ into the water, roll out into the sea.
  5. Lord knows I did not have love for you when you needed it.
  6. It’s all love and pride in this house.
  7. In moonlight... black boys look blue.
  8. You’re the only one.
  1. 总有一天,你要自己决定成为什么样的人,别让其他人替你做主。
  2. 我一直一无是处,基本没做过真正想做的事。我能做的也就是干一些别人觉得我该干的事。
  3. 风从你的头顶缓缓吹过,那一刻感觉就像是时间静止了,因为你只想一心一意地感受它。周围的一切都将变得安静。你所能听到的只有自己的心跳声。有时美好得让我想哭。
  4. 我经常哭,因为有时我感觉自己渺小得就像是一个水滴,觉得自己会坠入那片汪洋中,被大海吞噬。
  6. 这里只有爱和骄傲。
  7. 月光下的黑人男孩是蓝色的。8. 你是唯一。

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