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患者男,68岁,因在侧肢体活动障碍1周而入院.患者有高血压病史9年.体检:T36.8C,P 89次/min.,R 20次/min,Bp 23/13kPa;神志清,颈软,心肺未发现异常,腹平软,无压痛,双肾区无叩击痛;右侧肢体肌力Ⅰ级,病理性神经反射未引出.实验室检查:脑脊液无色透明,蛋白600mg/L,葡萄糖2.8mmol/L.白细胞15个/uL.头颅CT:左侧基底节有境界模糊的圆形低密度区.诊断:左侧脑梗塞、给予蝮蛇抗凝栓酶抗、青霉素预防感染及维生素B族、细胞色素C、能量合剂和脑活素治疗(奥地利依比威药厂生产).其中脑活素10mL加入5%葡萄糖250mL静脉点滴(20—25滴/min.qd).入院后第15天出现无痛性肉眼血尿,呈洗肉水样.且逐日加重;尿潜血(?).原高倍镜检红细胞(?).尿三杯试验为全程血尿,中段尿培养未发现致病菌,双肾、膀胱、输尿管B超正常.开始疑由蝮蛇抗栓酶所致血尿,立即停止该药,并给予卡巴克络(安咯血)、氨甲环酸(止血芳酸)治疗5d.血毫毫无改善,便停用脑活素,第2天肉眠血尿变淡,5天后尿潜血阴性,尿常 The patient, male, 68 years old, was admitted to the hospital for one week of hand movement disorder and had a 9-year history of hypertension. Physical examination: T36.8C, P 89 / min., R 20 / min, Bp 23/13 kPa; Clear, soft neck, no abnormal heart and lung, abdominal soft, no tenderness, no percussion pain in the renal area; right limb muscle grade Ⅰ, pathological reflex did not lead to laboratory tests: cerebrospinal fluid was colorless and transparent, protein 600mg / L, glucose 2.8mmol / L. WBC 15 / uL. Head CT: the left basal ganglia with a blurred area of ​​circular low density. Diagnosis: left cerebral infarction, given viper antithrombin enzyme resistance, penicillin Prevention of infection and vitamin B family, cytochrome C, energy mixture and brain activity of the treatment (Austria Viagra pharmaceutical production.) Including cerebrolysin 10mL added 5% glucose 250mL intravenous drip (20-25 drops / min.qd) .On the 15th day after admission, there was painless gross hematuria, which was washed with water sample and aggravate day by day. Urinary occult blood (?). The original high-power microscopy of red blood cells (?) .Three cups of urine test for the whole hematuria, Found that pathogens, kidneys, bladder, ureter B normal start suspected Viper antithrombotic hematuria, stop the drug immediately and give carbamacline (hemoptysis), tranexamic acid Blood aromatic acid) treatment 5d. Serum mmol no improvement, deactivates Cerebrolysin, day 2 sleep hematuria pale meat, 5 days negative occult blood, urine often
丰田汽车的大规模召回事件暴露出其与供应商之间紧密配套体系存在的弊端。用今天的眼光来看,其曾为全球汽车厂商学习范本的“金字塔结 The mass recalls of Toyota revealed
女患,23岁,农民。住院号:26580,无诱因多饮、多尿两个月,进行性加重至一夜饮水10,000ml,排尿10000ml,在当地医院诊断为“糖尿病”,给优降糖 Female, 23 years old, farmer.