
来源 :中学生阅读(初中版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leighttt
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美术课上,老师在黑板上画了一只鸟,让大家照着画。小呱呱鸟总也画不好,见同学们都把画交了上去,他只好胡乱地交了作业。老师看了他的美术作业本,大为生气,用教鞭在讲台上使劲一敲,问:“小呱呱鸟,你画的鸟哪儿去了?”小呱呱鸟小声说:“老师,它……它……被你这一教鞭吓飞了。”哈哈,你是否也因作业闹过笑话?你有没有听说过有关作业的笑话?赶紧写出来,让大家一起分享吧! In the art class, the teacher drew a bird on the blackboard so that everyone could follow it. Little ostriches were always badly painted. Seeing that all the students handed over the paintings, he had to hand over the assignments indiscriminately. The teacher looked at his art work book and was very angry. He used a pointer to pound it on the podium and asked: “Where is the bird you painted?” The little ostrich whispered: "The teacher, It... it... was scared off by your instructor.” “Haha, did you make a joke because of your homework? Have you ever heard any joke about your homework? Write it out quickly and let everyone share it!
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我的故乡没有大江大海,只有一条静静流淌的小河;没有摇船轻唱的温婉女子,只有随风轻摇的碧绿苇丛;没有勇跃龙门的金鲤,只有自在游动于碧水中的小鱼……尽管如此,我长这么大,最令我感到愉悦的地方仍是故乡。  住在故乡的时候,我常常一个人穿过高得能遮住人头的芦苇丛,沿着窄小的青石板路,趁沙地还未干透,踏上软软的沙粒,极目远眺——入眼的是望不到头的青翠山川,侧耳倾听——耳边尽是鸟儿欢快的谈笑声……乏了,我索性
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