Unit14 Festivals

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  I. Read the text, and finish the following cloze.
  April 1st is a day when _________ things ___________ happen. Our friends will play tricks on us and try to ____________ us. If a person is __________, he or she is called “April Fool!” The best ____________ is one that ___________ everyone laugh, ___________the “fool”.
  II. Go over Unit 14, and translate the following phrases.
  1. 盛装;打扮,装饰
  2. 按照……的看法
  3. 开某人玩笑,欺骗某人
  4. 欺骗,摄取
  5. 信任,主张
  6. 也;还;而且
  7. 保持健康状况
  8. 与……进行比较
  9. 把……比作……
  10. 赠送,分送,泄露
  11. 向……问好/问候
  12. 一点也不
  13. 做出决定
  14. 一个七天的假期
  15. 联欢
  16. 想到
  17. 有……共同处
  18. 解决问题
  19. 让我们的文化保持活力
  20. 关心;在乎;介意
  I. Key structure
  1. must,have to,have got to
  ( 1 ) must
  You mustn’t move someone if the person is badly hurt. (禁止)
  Of course, after I gave her my advice, she must go and do the opposite. (偏要)
  My watch doesn’t work. There must be something wrong with it. (推测)
  ( 2 ) have to,have got to
  must表示不得不 (说话人主观上的看法)
  have to /have got to表示不得不(侧重在客观上;有更多的时态形式)
  Then you will have to/have got to go back at once. 即你得立刻回去。
  2. Do you think that people are spending too much money on gifts and other things during major festivals like Christmas and the Spring Festival?
  3. The festivals were a way to celebrate history and culture,a way to build society,and a way to celebrate the new year.
  4. Each time we celebrate a festival it changes a little and in that way we keep our culture alive.
  II. Language study
  1. ①honour sb.(sth.) with sth.
  ②an honour to sth./sb.
  ③in honour of sb./sth.(=in sb.’s/sth.’s honour)
  She is an honour to her profession.
  2.similar adj. 相似的
  be similar to同……相似
  We have similar tastes in music.
  My opinions on the matter are similar to Kay’s.
  3.respect vt. 尊敬;尊重(=look up to)
  Molly always told us exactly what she thought, and we respected her for that.
  4. occasion n. 场合;时机;机会
  He used the meeting as an occasion for announcing the results.
  5. on occasion(s)(=sometimes) 偶尔;偶然;有时
  He has been known on occasion to lost his temper.
  6. take in的多种意义
  take sb. in
  ① 允许某人寄宿家中
  She was homeless, so we took her in.
  ② 欺骗(愚弄)某人
  She took me in completely with her story.
  take sth. in
  ① 将某物吸入(吞入)体内
  Fish take in oxygen through their gills.
  ② 将(衣服)改瘦
  This dress needs to be taken in at the waist.
  ③ 理解(吸收)所见所闻
  I hope you’re taking in what I’m saying.
  ④ 包含,包括(=include)
  This is the total cost of the holiday, taking everything in.
  I. 多项选择
  1. -Did you say that Miss Green is coming to see me?
  -It’s strange. I’ve never _____________ her before.
  A. heard for B. heard of
  C. heard D. hear from
  2. The poor girl has neither shoes nor skirt. That’s why she ___________ stay at home.
  A. mustB. has to
  C. should D. ought to
  3. Many a person was ____________ by that trick and stupidly gave the cheat most of their money.
  A. taken in B. taken off
  C. taken onD. taken out
  4. Could you please tell me where you bought the shoes you __________ yesterday?
  A. tried onB. put on
  C. had on D. pulled on
  5. We fight for theof our country.
  A. purpose B. honor
  C. direction D. opinion
  6. Little Tom, you have to _____________ your manners at your uncle’s or I won’t take you there.
  A. mind B. watch
  C. careD. notice
  7. The _____________ of the heart is to pump blood through the body.
  A. energy B. function
   C. base D. product
  8. -Mum. I think I’m___________to get back to school.
   -Not really, my dear. You’d better stay at home for another day or two.
  A. so well B. so good
  C. well enough D. good enough
  9. He knows little about music. One music seems to him quite like .
  A. the otherB. another
  C. othersD. the others
  10. On the top of the mountain we saw that the scenery was very ___________ and we simply couldn’t tear ourselves away.
  A. eye-catching B. mind-reading
  C. heart-attackingD. interest-attracting
  II. 完成句子
  1. I have cooked a special meal_____________(向我们的来客表示敬意). (honor)
  2. After the bath, he_______________(穿上衣服). (dress)
  3. Please speak loudly_________________(以便别人能听见你的话). (make)
  4. Tom was badly bitten by mosquitoes because he_______________(忘记用) the mosquito net last night. (forget)
  5. She_______________(晚上时间都用来擦洗窗户和地板) the windows and floors. (spend)
  6. He has suffered a lot these years. He___________(本应听从) my advice then. (ought)
  7. I remember the time______________a small village (这里曾经是一个小村子的时候). (used)
  8. It is necessary_____________(把英语和汉语进行比较) in English study. (compare)
  9. It is said that the headmaster _____________(将颁奖) to thesportsmen. (give)
  10. ________________(来电话找的是你不是他) wanted on the telephone. (not...but)
  I. Learn the following sentences.
  1.People must only do things that will make others happy.
  2.The week following Christmas Day,many
  African——American families get together to greet the new year and think about the past.
  3. We must do as much as we can to make our community better and more beautiful.
  4. People celebrate Kwanzaa by lighting a candle each day...
  5. On the last day of Kwanzaa,family and friends gather to enjoy a large meal andto celebrate the new year.
  6. Earth Day is celebrated on March 21,the day of the vernal equinox,or in other words,the first day of spring.
  II. Learn the following essay.
  Dear Julie:
  Thank you for your letter. I will try to help you. I can tell you about the Spring Festival in China. The Spring Festival is the biggest festival in China. It is usually celebrated in early February, but the actual dates are different every year. The reason why the dates are different is that the Festival is based on a different calendar, the lunar calendar. The Spring Festival begins on the day before the New Year in this calendar and lasts for 15 days. The most important day is New Years Day. Families get together on New Year’s Eve and have a big meal. During the festival, we visit friends and have fun together. Most parents give their children a red envelope with some money in it. People celebrate the festival to welcome the New Year and to show their love for their family and friends. In my family, we enjoy preparing for the festival. We cook together and we each have a special task. My job is to put up the traditional scrolls. These are two large, red pieces of paper with a Spring Festival poem written on them. I put one on each side of our front door. I have many happy memories of the Spring Festival - it is a happy time of the year and I always enjoy’spending time with my family. I hope this will help you write about the Spring Festival.
  Xiao Jun
  你叫李华,是云南大理一中的学生。你给笔友迈克写回信,介绍 the Water-Sprinkling Festival并告之他来云南旅游的最佳时间,同时邀请他来大理。
  I. strange; may; fool; taken in; trick; makes; including
  II. 1. dress up
  2. in one’s opinion
  3. play a trick on sb.
  4. take in
  5. believe in
  6. as well as
  7. stay fit and healthy
  8. compare... with...
  9. compare... to...
  10. give away
  11. give one’s regards /greetings to
  12. not in the least
  13. make a decision
  14. a seven-day festival
  15. get together
  16. think about
  17. have... in common
  18. solve the problem
  19. keep our culture alive
  20. care about
  I. 1. B2. B3. A4. C5. B6. A7. B8. C9. B10. A
  II. 1. in honor of our visitors
  2. dressed himself
  3. so that you can make yourself heard
  4. forgot to use
  5. spent her evenings in washing
  6. ought to have followed/taken
  7. when it used to be
  8. to compare English with Chinese
  9. will give away the prizes
  10. Not he but you are
  II. One Possible Version:
  Dear Mike,
  I’m glad to hear from you. You asked me about the Water-Sprinkling Festival. I’d like to tell you something about it.
  The Dai minorities in Yunnan celebrate the Water-Sprinkling Festival in the middle of April. The festival celebrates the Dai Lunar New Year and lasts for three days. There are dragon races and fireworks displays on the first day and a fair on the second day. At the fair, young lovers throw love pouches to each other. The third day is the actual water-sprinkling day; people splash water on each other to wash away illnesses and bad luck and bring good luck for the coming year.
  I’m excited to know your next destination is Xishuangbanna. The best time to visit is in April during the Water-Sprinkling Festival. If you come to Yunnan, Dali is also one of the places you cannot miss. I’ll be here waiting for you and be your good guide.
  Best wishes.
  Li Hua
For most Americans, they like their homes to show their personal tastes. Many do-it-yoursel-ves enjoy fixing up their house and making it more “liv- able”. They often try to create a wonderful atmosph
金秋十月,送走了第29届北京奥运会的喜庆,又迎来了祖国59岁的生日,在这举国欢腾的时刻,高三的学子们正在跨步向前……  高考是人生的一堵墙,是横跨在岁月面前的一条河流、一道槛;同时,高考更是一次激动人心的撞线,是人生中一次承前启后、继往开来的撞线,它对翻开你生命中崭新的一页有着不可估量的作用,它会使你的人生如诗如歌,它会使你的梦想绚丽如虹,它会使你拥有更多的施展雄心抱负的机会,它会让你登上一座令人
此题考查if only后的虚拟形式。if only意为“要是……就好了”,通常用于虚拟语气。本句是讲话人对过去情况的假设,句中谓语动词要用过去完成时。故答案选C。
abandon hope  abolish tax  absorb sth. into sth.  abuse one's power  accept sb. as sth.  accept that...  accomplish a task  accuse sb. of doing sth.  achieve fame/one's goal  acknowledge one's mistake
I. 多项选择  从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。  1. This picture was taken a long time ago. I wonder if you can______________ my father.  A. find out B. pick out  C. look out D. speak out  2. The passenger was