合作共赢出成果 宾朋喜聚D·PARK

来源 :北京服装纺织(时尚北京) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jcmmdq
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1、北京市政府副市长陆昊(右)、中国纺织工业协会副会长陈树津(左)亲切交谈。2、陆昊副市长(右)与中国服装设计师协会主席王庆(中)、中国服装协会副秘书长王茁(左)步入会场。3、王庆主席与北京市工业促进局局长李平握手交谈。4、李平局长(右)与王茁(中)副秘书长欢迎大赛评委日本制服中心常务理事长田川香津子(左)。5、北京市工业促进局副局长常青(左)与大赛评委会主任北京服装学院院长刘元风(右)在贵宾室。6、北京市商务局副局长、北京商业联合会会长李顺利(左二)、北京服装纺织行业协会常务副会长兼秘书长张培华(左三)、北京市工业促进局都市处处长张兰青(左四)、北京服装纺织行业协会职装专业委员会主任夏华(左一)在观看决赛。 1. Lu Hao (right), Deputy Mayor of the Beijing Municipal Government, and Chen Shujin (left), Vice Chairman of the China National Textile and Apparel Council, cordially conversed. 2. Vice Mayor Lu Wei (right) and Wang Qing (middle), Chairman of the China Fashion Designers Association and Wang Yu (left), Deputy Secretary-General of the China Garment Association entered the meeting. 3. Chairman Wang Qing shook hands with Li Ping, head of the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Industry Promotion. 4. Secretary Li Ping (right) and Wang Hao (middle) Deputy Secretary-General welcome the judges of the competition’s standing director of the Japan Uniform Center Tagawa Kazuko (left). 5. Chang Qing (left), deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Industrial Promotion, and Liu Yuanfeng (right), dean of the Beijing Institute of Fashion, director of the jury of the contest, are in the VIP room. 6. Deputy Director-General of the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Commerce, President of the Beijing Chamber of Commerce Li Shunli (second from left), Executive Vice President and Secretary-General of the Beijing Garment & Textile Industry Association Zhang Peihua (third from left), Zhang Lanqing, Director of the Urban Division of the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Industrial Promotion. (Left 4), Xia Hua (Left 1), Director of Professional Garment Professional Committee of Beijing Garment & Textile Industry Association, is watching the final.
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