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语文教学,就是要培养学生正确运用祖国语言文字的能力,作文能力的培养是进行语文基本技能训练的一种很好的方式。由此学生进行口头表达能力的培养也必将成为作文教学重头戏。口头训练对于培养学生思维的敏捷性和深刻性有重要作用。由于受话对象就在眼前,随时可能做出听话的反应,所以对于说话的针对性和敏捷性的要求往往能够比书面表达更高些,特别是课堂讨论或者回答问题等。听话后的反应要求更及时和准确。学生一面讲述,一面观察,及时收集各种信息,分析综合,归纳整理,并通过说话做出反应,学生的思维就会变得敏捷继而深刻。口头表达在教学中特别容易触发学生的情感,学生所表达出来的不仅是一连串的语汇,还有语言的音色、强度、声调、口吻、节奏以及说话时的表达等。这些口语因素,对于感情的交流、思维的活跃起着积极的作用,是书面表达的基础所在。有些学生为什么不会写作文呢?在很大程度上,就是缺少这样的功底,他们之中好一点的专门去搜寻那些生涩的字眼,牵强地写到作文上去,结果笑话百出不成章法。如果平时注重对学生进行培养,让他们把话说得有中 Chinese language teaching is to cultivate students’ ability to use the language of the motherland correctly. The cultivation of compositional ability is a good way to carry out basic skills training. Therefore, the cultivation of oral expression ability of students will also become a major part of composition teaching. Oral training plays an important role in cultivating the agility and depth of students’ thinking. Because the object being heard is in front of the eyes, and the reaction to the obedience may be made at any time, the requirements for pertinence and agility of speech can often be higher than written expressions, especially in class discussions or answering questions. The response after obedience demands more timely and accurate. Students talk about one side, observe each other, collect all kinds of information in a timely manner, analyze and synthesize, summarize, and respond through speaking. Students’ thinking will become agile and then profound. Oral expression is particularly prone to trigger student emotions in teaching. The students are not only expressing a series of vocabularies but also the timbre, intensity, tone, tone, rhythm, and expression of the language. These spoken language factors play a positive role in the exchange of feelings and the active thinking, which is the foundation of written expression. Why do some students not write essays? To a large extent, there is a lack of such skills. Among them, they are better off searching for those jerky words and forced to write essays on them. The result is that jokes are out of order. If you always pay attention to cultivating students, let them put it in a proper way.