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企业的网络安全就是企业的安全,直接关联到企业竞争优势。根据调查,仅美国每年因为网络安全造成的经济损失超过1.70亿美元。75%的公司报告财政损失是由于计算机系统的安全问题造成的。超过50%的安全威胁来自内部;只有17%的公司愿意报告黑客入侵,其他的由于担心负面影响而未声张。59%的损失可以定量估算。平均每个组织损失USD$402,000。在我国,网络安全起步晚,基础薄弱,投入小,软硬件严重依赖国外,自主开发产品少。除此之外,我国许多企业在网络安全方面并没有建立相应的组织去有效地配合企业进行各种经营活动,使之能够有效地规避和防范网络安全的风险和提高网络系统的可用性。既使有的企业建立了安全组织,也普遍存在着有投入,有人员,但投 Enterprise network security is the security of enterprises, directly related to the competitive advantage of enterprises. According to the survey, the economic losses caused by the cyber security in the United States alone each year exceed 170 million U.S. dollars. Seventy-five percent of companies report financial losses as a result of computer system security problems. More than 50% of the security threats come from within; only 17% of companies are willing to report hacking, others are out of fear of negative impact. 59% of the losses can be quantitatively estimated. On average, each organization lost USD $ 402,000. In our country, the network security starts late, the foundation is weak, the input is small, the hardware and software rely heavily on foreign countries, and there are few products developed independently. In addition, many enterprises in our country do not set up corresponding organizations in the aspect of network security to effectively cooperate with enterprises to conduct various business activities so that they can effectively avoid and prevent the risks of network security and improve the availability of network systems. Even if some enterprises have established a security organization, there is also widespread investment, personnel, but the vote
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电子印刷工程技术中心(简称中心)组建于1993年2月,隶属于中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所,是经长春高新技术产业开发区认定和注册的高新技术企业。 中心的主导产品为
经验也许是最好的老师,但是依靠过去的经验来作为未来行动的指南是危险的。 Experience may be the best teacher, but it is dangerous to rely on past experience as a g