Theoretical analysis and experimental verification of a cost-effective chromatic dispersion monitori

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lzbtthappy
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A cost-effective technique for in-service chromatic dispersion monitoring in a 40-Gb/s optical communi-cation system is proposed. Microwave devices are adopted to detect the electrical power of a specificfrequency band. A simplified theoretical model is proposed and discussed focusing on the relationshipbetween electrical power and chromatic dispersion at different frequency bands. The dynamic monitoringof chromatic dispersion is achieved using devices such as PIN detector, microwave amplifier, narrow-bandmicrowave filter, and electrical power detector. The maximum detectable chromatic dispersion is 130ps/nm and a resolution of 5.2 ps/nm/dB has been achieved in the frequency band centered at 12 GHz. A cost-effective technique for in-service chromatic dispersion monitoring in a 40-Gb / s optical communi- cation system is proposed. Microwave devices are adopted to detect the electrical power of a specific frequency band. on the relationship between electrical power and chromatic dispersion at different frequency bands. The dynamic monitoring of chromatic dispersion is achieved using devices such as PIN detector, microwave amplifier, narrow-band microwave filter, and electrical power detector. a resolution of 5.2 ps / nm / dB has been achieved in the frequency band centered at 12 GHz.
76年前,一位贫穷的、天才的而又有些疯癫的苏格兰发明家设计出了“魔盒”。人们对它毁誉参半,但有一点不可否认:它几乎改变了所有人的生活。现代人谁能抗拒电视的魅力? 把电
为了解包头市居民发中微量元素基础水平,我们於1991年3~5月测定720例居民发中的Cu、Fe、Al、Ni、Cr、Mn、Mo、Sr、Co、V10种微量元素,现将结果报告如下。1 对象和方法 1.1 对