Progress of Neutron Bubble Detectors in CIAE

来源 :Annual Report for China Institute of Atomic Energy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qwqwqw66
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Neutron bubble detector is the only personal neutron dosimeter which has adequate neutronsensitivity to meet the implications of the ICRP 60 recommendations for neutron dosimetry. It canmonitor the wide range of neutron energy, for example 100 eV to 10 MeV And it becomes a significanttool for neutron dose monitoring at the environment of nuclear energy. Neutron bubble detector is the only personal neutron dosimeter which has adequate neutron sensitivity to meet the implications of the ICRP 60 recommendations for neutron dosimetry. It canmonitor the wide range of neutron energy, for example 100 eV to 10 MeV And it becomes a significanttool for neutron dose monitoring at the environment of nuclear energy.
2010年,我完成了中国大陆海岸线之全程骑行。那时候,还没有开放台湾自由行。记得我站在福建的海边,依着妈祖的雕像远眺台湾海峡那万顷碧波,暗自嗟叹。泱泱中华,悠悠万里海岸线,独缺台湾一段,两年多以来常引以为憾!  2012年的春季,重庆成为第二批开放台湾自由行的城市。我知道,肯定的,在不长的时间里,我一定会带着我的战车出现在宝岛台湾的土地上。  前往台湾最为廉价便捷的交通工具是乘船,从福建平潭县澳前
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