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目的了解和掌握沈阳市鼠类种群构成、季节消长规律和不同生境鼠密度情况,为制订鼠类防控方案提供参考依据。方法采用夹夜法调查。共设立3个鼠类监测点,分别为居民区、餐饮业和农村自然村,监测点相对固定。结果 2002-2014年平均鼠密度为1.03%,共捕获鼠类886只,鉴定鼠种分别为褐家鼠、黑线姬鼠、小家鼠和黑线仓鼠4种,其中褐家鼠为优势鼠种,占鼠类总数的57.6%;不同年度鼠类构成比和密度有所不同;不同生境的平均鼠密度以农村自然村最高(1.96%),其次是居民区(0.36%)和餐饮业(0.34%),2008年之前不同生境鼠密度变化较大,且数值较高,2008年之后变为较平稳的状态,且数值较低;全年均有监测到鼠,不同月份鼠密度呈现双峰型曲线,高峰分别出现在7月和9月,而1-2月和12月鼠密度为全年中最低值。结论应根据鼠类的活动及季节消长特点,在高峰期采取综合性防治措施,可有效降低鼠密度,从而减少鼠传疾病的发生。 Objective To understand and grasp the composition of rodents, the pattern of seasonal fluctuation and the density of rodents in different habitats in Shenyang, and provide references for the development of rodent prevention and control programs. Methods using the method of investigation. A total of three rodent monitoring points were set up, namely residential areas, restaurants and rural villages, the monitoring points are relatively fixed. Results The average rat density in 2002-2014 was 1.03%. A total of 886 rodents were captured. Four rodents were identified as Rattus norvegicus, Apodemus agrarius, Mus musculus and black hamster, Which accounted for 57.6% of the total number of rodents. The rodent composition ratio and density were different in different years. The average rodent density in different habitats was highest in rural villages (1.96%), followed by residential areas (0.36%) and catering industry %). Before the year of 2008, the density of rats in different habitats changed greatly and the value was high, and after 2008 it became a smoother state with lower values. The rats were monitored throughout the year, and the rat densities showed bimodal Curves and peaks occurred in July and September, respectively, while rat density in January-February and December was the lowest throughout the year. Conclusion Based on the characteristics of mouse activity and seasonal growth and decline, comprehensive control measures should be taken during the peak period to reduce rat density and thus reduce the incidence of rat-borne diseases.
41.[×] 三相星形(Y形)接法电路中(图1),电源各相线圈两端,即端线(A、B、C)与中线(N)之间的电压称为相电压,分 41. [X] In the three-phase star (Y) connection circuit (
相传,很久以前, 五指山一位勇敢的黎族青年猎手向南追猎一只斑斓的雌坡鹿,紧紧赶了三天三夜。这时坡鹿被逼到悬崖尽头,面前是汹涌浩瀚的大海,背后是究追不舍的猎人。猎人向坡鹿引
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