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策划人语改革开放30多年来,我国人民收入大幅增长,生活水平得到很大提高,但分配失衡的问题也日益凸显,收入差距进一步扩大,已严重影响到经济社会的发展。改革我国当前的收入分配制度,已刻不容缓。2010年全国两会以来,收入分配问题更是引发了全社会的热议,国务院总理温家宝也明确提出,当前的收入分配问题已经到了必须下大力气解决的时候。新一轮收入分配改革已箭在弦上。 In the 30 years of reform and opening up, the incomes of our people have risen sharply and living standards have greatly improved. However, the issue of imbalance in distribution has also become increasingly prominent. The widening income gap has seriously affected the economic and social development. It is urgent to reform China’s current system of income distribution. Since the two sessions of the country in 2010, the issue of income distribution has even triggered a heated debate among the whole society. Premier Wen Jiabao of the State Council has also explicitly pointed out that the current issue of income distribution has reached a time when great efforts must be made to solve it. A new round of income distribution reform has been on the verge of it.
在课堂教学中,教师掌握大量的图片不仅只是为了增加趣味性,而且更有利于学生在最短的时间内接触到最多的历史信息。 In classroom teaching, teachers master a large numbe
京津冀都市圈区域规划的编制于2004年11月启动,历经5年多的时间,该规划已上报国务院,有 The compilation of the regional plan for the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei metropolita
Student A:When do people talk least?Student B:In February.Student A:Why?Student B:Because February is the shortest month of a year. Student A: When do people t
在促进学困生转化的过程中,认识学困生的潜能,掌握具体的方法是相当重要的,同时也不应忽视一个贯穿始终的线索,那就是教师对学生由衷的爱。 In the process of promoting th