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在开展轮作制度的调查时,首先要明确轮作的概念。一般认为:在一定年限内,不同作物按一定顺序轮换种植的称为轮作。但在现阶段,真正按一定的顺序,规定轮作年限,划分轮作区进行轮作,为数极少。因此,我们认为,在最近几年内(轮作制度调查的,年限应不少于五年),虽然没有按一定的顺序,但每年种植的作物不同,不考虑小秋杂也应称为轮作。若在调查的五年中,有一部分田地只有2—3年种植的作物不同,又如何处理,其轮作面积如何计算呢?我们是通过将轮作程度分级,确定各轮作级别的系数,来求算轮作面积及轮作百分率的。 将全县轮作制度调查的典型材料,按轮作程度(或称轮作比率)共分五级: 一级 五年内完全实行轮作,即每年作物不同(仅秋冬播或春夏播作物不同的亦算为轮作),轮作程度按100%计。 When conducting surveys on the rotation system, we must first clarify the concept of rotation. Generally believed that: in a certain period of time, different crops in a certain order rotation planting called rotation. However, at this stage, it is really a certain order that stipulates the rotation of rotation and the rotation of districts by rotation. Therefore, we think that in recent years (survey of crop rotation system, the number of years should not be less than five years), although we do not follow a certain order, the crops planted each year are different and should not be considered as crop rotation. If during the five years of the survey some of the fields were planted with only 2-3 years of different crops and how they were handled, how was the rotation area calculated? We calculated the rotation by grading the rotation and determining the coefficients of each rotation level Rotating area and rotation percentage. According to the degree of rotation (or rotation ratio), the typical materials of the rotation survey of the whole county are divided into five levels: the rotation is implemented completely within five years of one grade, that is, the crops are different each year (only the fall and winter seasons or spring and summer seeding crops are also counted as Rotation), degree of rotation by 100%.
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