Out Of This World

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  It may have seemed like an army of superheroes, monsters, space aliens, and wizards had invaded New York City over the weekend. But it was really just an exciting gathering in town for New York Comic Con (NYCC). The yearly pop-culture gathering brings together fans of science fiction, fantasy, gaming, comic books, TV, and films. Around 150,000 people, many of whom were dressed in elaborate costumes, attended the event, which was held at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center.
  Comic-book publishers such as Marvel, DC, Image, and Dark Horse provide fans golden chances. Fans could meet their favorite writers and artists and get their comics autographed. Toy and game companies showed off their latest products. Hollywood studios dropped hints about what audiences can expect to see in some of the hottest TV shows and movies, including The Flash, Gotham,The X-Files, and Star Wars: The Force Awakens. And dealers sold thousands of comic books, graphic novels, magazines, toys, and other collectible items.
  “It’s been a great week for us,” Andrew Cohen told TFK. He is the marketing and events director for Midtown Comics, a popular New York City store. “This is the tenth year that we’ve been at the convention. We’ve been here since it first started, and we’ve seen it grow stronger .”
  Fans of All Ages
  The event attracted everyone from small children to senior citizens. This year’s convention was the third for sixth-grader Lukas Moroz, 11, from Brooklyn, New York. He attended dressed as Gambit, a member of the comic-book superhero team the X-Men. “I came to try out the new videogames and see the new action figures,” he says. Lukas also enjoys cosplay, or costume play. NYCC is the perfect playground. “I’m into dressing up as my favorite figures,” he explained.“I like to meet other people dressed up as X-Men characters and take pictures with them.”
  It was the first NYCC for Ava Young, a 10-year-old fifth-grader from Rockville Center, New York. She was surprised by the number of people who came to the convention dressed as everything from Spider-Man, Captain America, and Aquaman to Darth Vader, Doctor Who, and Snow White.
  “Some of the costumes are crazy,” Ava says. She was at NYCC to see Raina Telgemeier, author of the graphic novel Smile, and to get her autograph. Telgemeier was doing a discussion. Unfortunately, Ava only finished half of her goal. “I got there but you had to get a wristband to get her autograph, and they were all sold out.” Despite her disappointment, Ava plans to attend the convention again next year. “But not in costume,” she says.
  wizard n. 巫师
  elaborate costume 精心制作的服装
  autograph v. 亲笔签名于,亲笔书写
  n. 亲笔签名
  hint n. 暗示
  figure n. 人物(character是近义词)
  wristband n. 腕带
  (Have you ever attended a cosplay?)
  COSPLAY是英文Costume Play的简写,指利用服装、饰品、道具以及化装来扮演动漫作品、游戏中的角色。玩cosplay的人一般被称为cosplayer。COSPLAY是由Nov.Takahashi提出的,他的这一灵感源于在美国旧金山的国际化装舞会,并且由于他在日本杂志上发表的文章(1982年)中表示的对cosplay的热情,引发了1982-1983年日本的cosplay运动。虽然cosplay并非起源于日本,但美国的cosplay却受了日本cosplay很大的影响。
摘 要: 随着时代的快速发展,关于高中语文方面的创新性教学方法改革一直在进行,并且取得一定的教学效果。但是在教学方法创新改革的同时,教育各界人士对教师的创新式教学提出新的问题,指出教师只是创新教学方法,但其实学生的思想并没有被直接改变,学生的思维还是传统的学习思维,只是单方面僵硬地学习教师所施行的教学方法。如果在课堂上学生培养出创新性思维,就会对教师授课和自身成绩有很大的帮助。本文就高中语文培养创
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本刊讯 今年5月1日是全国人大反复修订重新颁布的新的《中华人民共和国税收征管法》实施之日,在5、6、7三个月内,全省国税系统掀起了学习、宣传、贯彻《征管法》的热潮,省局决
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