Pingyao-World Cultural Heritage

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1997, the UNESCO World Heritage Committee scribed the 2,800-year-old town of pingyao on e World Heritage List. Its appraisal reads: “The cient city of pingyao is an excellent example of ties of Hanzu in the Ming and Qing dynasties, and it has preserved all its unique features well and demonstrated to people a distinct and com- plete picture scroll of the development of culture, society, economy and religion in the history of China.” 1997, the UNESCO World Heritage Committee scribed the 2,800-year-old town of pingyao on e World Heritage List. Its appraisal reads: “The cient city of pingyao is an excellent example of ties of Hanzu in the Ming and Qing dynasties, and it has preserved all its unique features well and demonstrated to people a distinct and com- plete picture scroll of the development of culture, society, economy and religion in the history of China. ”
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2007年6月5日  最近的日子特别萧条。或许是因为放假,所以觉得每天的状态大多是松懈的,没什么活力可言了吧。午夜12点睡,每天睡10个小时左右。所以起床以后已经是晴空万里,哪里还能遇到平常上学时候的疲惫呢?  不管怎样,暑假的日子一天天近了,或许以前不能完成的心愿,都可以在以后变的美好吧,我但愿如此。  寂寞充斥着我的头脑,所以就去书店打发时光了。一下午只看了些小说,其实这种日子也很好,所以很羡
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7月12日 阴有小雨  在一条普通的小溪边,有条隐形的花,那朵有着绚丽的颜色,不规则的形状的花。在雨天,它是水滴状的;晴天,就变成了心形。  花中住着这一只精灵,叫朵漪,她白天睡觉,晚上才开始活动,但她也是隐身的。朵漪经常在月圆之夜唱歌,美妙的声音飘到很远的地方,这时,所有的孩子会醒来,仰望远处。不过,没有大人能听见朵漪的歌声,如果让他们谈起小时候曾有过的那种感觉,他们会认为那不过是自己的幻想而已
8月26日晴悄悄地写,默默地记,任何人休想知道我的秘密;沉思、感想,尽情地写,写完后便匆匆收起。自由地写,斗胆地记, I quietly wrote on August 26 and silently remembered