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生殖健康是20世纪90年代国际上提出的新概念,妊娠、分娩虽然是正常的生理过程,但也常有各种危险因素威胁到母亲的生命与健康。因此,保证母亲安全是妇女生殖健康的核心。生殖健康要求我们更快地转变产时服务模式,为孕妇提供更优质的服务。随着医学模式的改变,寻求分娩镇痛,缩短 Reproductive health is a new concept put forward internationally in the 1990s. Although pregnancy and childbirth are normal physiological processes, various risk factors often threaten the life and health of mothers. Therefore, ensuring motherhood is at the heart of women’s reproductive health. Reproductive health requires that we change the service mode of delivery more quickly to provide more quality services to pregnant women. With the change of medical model, seeking analgesia and shortening of labor
目的探讨全自动消解仪在双道原子荧光光谱法同时测定尿中砷和锑的应用价值。方法采用Auto Digi Block S60全自动消解仪对尿样进行消解,优化消解时间和测试条件,最佳消解时间
目的测定益胃颗粒中咖啡酸的含量。方法采用反相高效液相色谱法,色谱柱为Agilent Eclipse XDB C18柱(250×4.6 nm,5μm).流动相为甲醇一磷酸盐缓冲液(25:75),检测波长为323 n
Precise fluorescence imaging of single l-DNA molecules for base pair distance analysis requires a superresolution technique, as these distances are on the order
The adsorptive removal of arsenic by synthetically-prepared nano Fe-Mn binary oxides(FM) was investigated. A novel method using potassium permanganate and ferri
输卵管镜是检查输卵管管腔的显微内窥镜。在国内至今未见临床报道。淄博市妇幼保健院于2 0 0 1年 5月~ 2 0 0 2年 1月采用输卵管镜检查PTO患者共 3例 ,其中疏通成功 1例并妊娠
Acuteporphyriaisrareinorientals WedescribeaChinesewomanwithrecurrentgeneralisedtonic clonicseizuresandabdominalpain GenomicDNAstu Acuteporphyriaisrareinorientals WedescribeaChinesewomanwithrecurrentgeneralisedtonic clonicseizuresandabdominalpain GenomicD