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山楂紅蜘蛛是为害我場苹果树的一个主要害虫髡?961—1963年对与防治有关的該虫生活特性进行了研究,并在大面积进行了防治試驗,取得了点滴經驗,現作如下介紹。山楂紅蜘蛛在我場一年发生六至七代,以受精的雄成虫越冬。在正常情况下,8月上旬开始出現越冬雌虫,9至10月上旬达盛期;越冬場所多集中在树干、主枝的裂皮縫里和树干基部一至三厘米深的土层裂縫中,也有少数在落叶、杂草根部、果实梗洼处。一般在翌年3月中旬开始出蟄。掌握这一越冬特性,在防治上我們采用:1.于越冬雌虫尚未出現时,先将主枝上部的粗裂皮刮掉,然后将主枝基部及树干捆扎草把,以誘集越冬雌虫,在刷白防寒前取下草把烧毁,并用刷子擦死草把下残留的虫子;草把要捆扎紧,以免虫子越过草把,影响效果。2.早春結合防治其他害虫,彻底刮除枝干上的粗裂皮,烧毁;并翻耕树干基部三至四厘米深的土壤,使越冬雌虫暴露土表,再結合发芽前果树上部 Hawthorn red spider is a major pest of apple trees in my field? 961-1963 on the prevention and control of the pest life characteristics were studied, and in a large area of ​​prevention and control experiments, has gained little experience, as follows Introduction. Hawthorn spider in my field occurs six to seven generations a year to fertilize male adult wintering. Under normal circumstances, overwintering females began to emerge in early August and peak during the first ten days of October to October. The overwintering sites were mostly concentrated in the cracks of the trunk of the trunk, There are also a few in the leaves, weeds roots, fruit stem depression. Usually in mid-March the following year began to sting. Grasp the characteristics of the overwintering, in the prevention and control we use: 1. In the overwintering females have not yet appeared, the first branch of the rough Ripi scraped off, and then the main branch of the base and the trunk of the grass bind to attract wintering female Insects, remove the grass before brushing white to burn, and rub the grass with the brush to leave the remaining insects; grass to bind tight, so as to avoid the insects over the grass, affecting the results. In early spring combined with the prevention and control of other pests, thoroughly scrape the rough skin on the branches, burned; and tumble the trunk of the roots of three to four centimeters deep soil, so that overwintering females exposed soil surface,
虫情观察方法 为害果树的桃小食心虫、梨小食心虫,都以幼虫钻入果肉为害。为了取得防治的主动权,必须抓好越冬期和产卵期的防治,等幼虫钻入果内,则使防治处于被动地位。因此,
近年来,粟瘟病在山西省中部及东南部严重发生危害,輕者减产,重者籽粒不收。作者于1962—1963年进行了粟品种間抗病性的初步观察,簡报如下: 在本所試驗地和山西省晋东南区各
为进一步提高黑光灯杀虫效果,在黑光灯外面装置一圈以220伏交流电为电源的高压电网,使飞向黑光灯的蛾子碰上电网后即被烧死。使用高压电网必须注意安全用电, In order to f
舟山地区甘薯发生黑斑病主要是因土壤带菌。健康无病薯苗,插到带有黑斑病菌的土壤里就会发病,有时还很严重。所以我们重点抓住了处理土壤防治黑斑病效果的试验,结果如下: T