打造劳务品牌 助推经济发展

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郧西素有“秦之咽喉,楚之门户”之称,总人口51万人,其中农业人口43万人,劳动力24万人,耕地面积36万亩,农业人口人均耕地0.8亩。是湖北省自然条件恶劣、经济条件最贫困的县份之一,国家重点扶贫开发县,也是劳务输出大县,年输出劳动力达12万人以上。近年来,郧西县委、县政府及人社部门一直把开展劳务输出作为转移农村富余劳动力和增加农民收入的一项重要举措来抓,取得了较好的成绩。 The total population of 510,000 people, including agricultural population of 430,000 people, labor force 240,000 people, 360000 acres of arable land, agricultural population per capita arable land of 0.8 acres. It is one of the counties with poor natural conditions and the poorest economic conditions in Hubei Province. It is also a major county for labor export and poverty reduction, and has an annual output of more than 120,000 laborers. In recent years, the Yunxi County Committee, the county government and the departments for human resources and social services have always taken the export of labor as an important measure to divert the rural surplus labor force and increase the peasants’ income and have achieved good results.
德州仪器公司 (TI)日前推出两个系列的开关电容DC -DC转换器TPS6040X系列和REG710系列 ,这两种系列产品都具有尺寸小、外围元器件数目少、噪声低和成本低等特点 ,可用作诸如电池供电设备、医用仪
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