宁波市司法局 凝心聚力谋发展 服务中心显作为

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近年来,宁波市司法局紧紧围绕宁波市委、市政府的中心工作,积极探索和实践新形势下加强司法行政工作的新思路和新举措,主动发挥法律保障、法律服务、法制宣传职能作用,在维护社会和谐稳定、服务保障民生、促进经济平稳较快发展方面实现了新突破、新发展。夯实基础、化解矛盾,维护稳定见成效。充分发挥人民调解基础性作用,创新发展交通事故、医疗纠纷、劳动争议等行业性专业人民调解组织,被誉为“宁波解法”;大力推动县(市)区、乡镇(街道)两级社会矛盾联合解决平台建设,全力化解社会矛盾;建立社区矫正信息化管理系统,做好刑释解教人员的安置帮教工作,提高特殊人群服务管理水平;以创建省级规范化司法所为抓手,大力推进直属司法所建设;按照“首要标准”要求,严格落实各项监管工作,监狱、劳教场所持续安全稳定。 In recent years, Ningbo Municipal Bureau of Justice closely centers on the central work of Ningbo Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government and actively explores and practices new ideas and measures for strengthening judicial administration in the new situation. It proactively gives full play to its functions of legal guarantee, legal services and legal propaganda, We have achieved new breakthroughs and new developments in maintaining social harmony and stability, serving the people’s livelihood and ensuring a steady and rapid economic development. Consolidate the foundation, resolve conflicts and maintain stability, see results. Give full play to the fundamental role of people’s mediation, innovation and development of industrial accidents, medical disputes, labor disputes and other professional people’s mediation organizations, known as the “Ningbo solution”; vigorously promote the county (city) district, township (street) level Social conflicts to jointly solve the platform construction, to resolve social conflicts; the establishment of community correction information management system to do a good job of the release of prisoners to help resettlement staff to help improve the service management of special populations; to create a provincial standardized justice as the starting point, Vigorously promote the construction of immediate justice; in accordance with “primary standards ” requirements, strict implementation of the regulatory work, prisons, places of detention continued safe and stable.
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