Cargo bikes可以运货的自行车

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  “That’s the coolest thing I’ve ever seen,” Aaron Powell recalled thinking. He was vacationing in Denmark in 2016 when he saw a parent on a bicycle, and knew what his next business would be.
  He was looking at a cargo bike for the very first time. The extra long bikes are customized for carrying everything from kids to groceries and deliveries. They’re increasingly common in cities, where they essentially serve as urban minivans(小型货车). Riders can transport things that one would never think of carrying on a traditional bike, like surfboards and Christmas trees. Most are powered with the help of an electric motor.
  Powell returned home to Denton, Texas, and a year later launched Bunch Bikes. Powell’s 2020 sales were already more than doubled from 2019. He’s struggling to meet demand.
  Some cargo bikes, like Powell’s, have a third wheel for stability, and a large compartment(隔间) in the front of the bike designed to seat kids or pets. Other cargo bikes have two wheels, and space behind the rider for kids, bags or packages.
  Bicycle manufacturers say cargo bikes were already gaining popularity, but the pandemic accelerated interest as blocked families sought outdoor activities. Businesses have also begun to experiment with cargo bike deliveries, which some local governments have encouraged to help alleviate(缓解) traffic jams and improve sustainability.
  Bike experts say the trend of electric bikes has been instrumental. Xtracycle founder Ross Evans began trying to sell cargo bikes in 2000. People told him the bike was too heavy and hard to ride. Parents were concerned about having to walk up hills.
  “Cargo and electric are like peanut butter and jelly. They go well together,” Evans told us. Cargo bikes are so new, according to Evans and other manufacturers, that bike suppliers are playing catchup to offer parts that are optimized(使最優化) for cargo bikes.
  Yuba Bicycles founder Benjamin Sarrazin struggled to get suitable tires and brakes when he began selling cargo bikes in 2006. He said that suppliers have started to come around in recent years. His sales have grown 50% in 2020, following 30% growth in 2019.
  Read the text carefuly and try to draw a picture of the new type of cargo bikes.
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