
来源 :语言政策与语言教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gba2008
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近10年来,外语战略规划研究已经成为我国外语研究的一个热点领域,相关的研究机构、学科和人才培养都已启动,成效卓著。但现有研究对外语战略规划的理论问题探究不够,尤其缺乏对外语战略规划最为核心的价值取向的关注。本文通过爬梳战略规划研究概念史,基于外语战略规划的基本概念,提出当前中国外语战略规划亟待解决的三个基本价值命题,即单一性与多样性的价值困境、国际化和本土化的价值悖论、工具性与资源性的价值博弈,希冀以此推动确立新时期中国外语战略规划的战略定位和价值取向。 In the past 10 years, the study of foreign language strategic planning has become a hot area of ​​foreign language research in our country. Relevant research institutions, disciplines and personnel training have all been started with remarkable results. However, the existing researches have not explored the theoretical issues of foreign language strategic planning, especially the lack of concern about the most central value orientation of foreign language strategic planning. Based on the concept history of strategic research on strategic planning and based on the basic concepts of foreign language strategic planning, this paper proposes three basic values ​​propositions that are urgently needed to be solved in the current strategic planning of foreign languages ​​in China, namely, the value dilemma of unity and diversity, the value of internationalization and localization Paradox, instrumental and resource value game, hoping to promote the strategic positioning and value orientation of establishing the strategic planning of foreign languages ​​in the new era.
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