名牌立丹 光耀中华——重庆立丹服饰有限公司纪略

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立丹者,英文LEADER之译音也。意即“领口、袖口”,引申义目口为“领袖”。衣服做好了,领做好了,也就做到了领袖的份上,其巨大成功,当然显而易见。“不做则已,做则须争第一。,立丹集团有限公司总裁章开成先生所言不虚。立丹起点不仅高在软件,同时也高在硬件。立丹服饰公司成立之初,拥有服饰业中与国际水平同步的各类高精度设备,拥有的高中级技术人才占公司员工总数的23%,采用了最为先进的工艺流程和管理模式。衣服重点在领在袖。唯有提纲挈领,纲举自然目张。短短四年时间,立丹服饰确确实实引导了且正引导着服饰之新潮流。投产初期,公司便推出了高品质的立丹系列衬衫,特别是立丹系列保暖衬衫,开创了冬季服饰思维之先河。以立丹羊毛绒衬衫为例,其每一寸设计,都融入了都市新形象,优质进口面料、内衬、天然植物纤维——单层无纺布复合羊毛绒,质感高雅,触感柔和,给人全新感受。其高标含绒量,采用机械防缩处理,高科技与猛绕工艺相得益彰,匠心剪裁,精心缝制,三领三袖兼具了轻、薄、软、暖、防蛀、防 Li Dan, English transliteration LEADER also. It means “collar and cuff”, and the goal of the contract is “leadership”. When the clothes are done and the collars are done, it will be the leader’s share. Its great success is certainly obvious. "If you don’t do it, you must fight for the first time. Mr. Zhang Kaicheng, president of Lidan Group Co., Ltd. said that Lidian is not only high in software, but also high in hardware. At the beginning of the establishment of Lidan Clothing Co., Ltd., In the apparel industry, various types of high-precision equipment synchronized with the international level have 23% of the company’s total number of high- and mid-level technical personnel, and adopt the most advanced technological process and management model.The focus of clothes is on the sleeves. After only four years, Lidan clothing has indeed led and guided the new trend of clothing.In the initial stage of production, the company launched a series of high-quality Lidan shirts, especially the Lidan series. Shirts have created a precedent for winter clothes thinking, taking Lidan woollen blouse as an example, each inch of its design incorporates a new image of the city, high-quality imported fabrics, linings, natural plant fibers - single-layer non-woven composite Woolen fleece, elegant texture, soft touch, giving a new feeling.The high standard containing cashmere, the use of mechanical shrink-proof processing, high-tech and fierce winding process complement each other, ingenuity tailoring, careful sewing, both three sleeves and three sleeves Light, thin, Soft, warm, mothproof, anti
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现将同学们解一元一次不等式的常见错误解法剖析如下,希望同学们以后不要再犯这样的错误.    一、移项没有变号    例1 解不等式:5x<2x-3.  错解: 移项得5x+2x<-3,  合并同类项,得7x<-3,  系数化为1,得x<-3/7.  解析: 以上错解是把不等式右边的2x移到左边而没有改变符号,应变成-2x.故正确的答案是:x<-1.  点评: 根据不等式的性质,不等号两边同时减去2
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