Here Comes the Millennium!

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生活在二十世纪九十年代的人们应该是幸运的。在他们面前.二十一世纪曙光初露.同时,第三个千年纪即将来临。在同一个时间走过百年之交.又走过千年之交。如此意义非凡的事情顿时为世间众生如工蚁一般忙忙碌碌的生活打开了一扇窗户。在如此宏大的一块背景下面,生活自然不能浑浑噩噩,必定要有一番作为才对得起这千年等一回的良机。不管前次机会是否已被先人虚度,反正这次经过了世界科学技术与产业革命浪潮洗礼的人们可谓是有备而来。在本文中你可以看到世界各地的人们一些野心勃勃、上天人地的庆贺计划。还有,科学技术对人们生活造成的影响是巨大的,纪元的更迭竟然也会给电子化了的社会带来一些小小的混乱。精明的商家自然也不会放过利用新千年纪大作文章的机会,在“万般皆下品,唯有生意尊”的今天.商业意识已无孔不入。最后、读者还可以看到其实对新千年纪究竟应该从哪一年的哪一天开始还有着一番争论.而且尚无定说。但是不管怎么说.一九九九年十二月三十一日子夜.地球必定成了一颗沸腾的星球,假若每一千年都这么沸腾一次的话.无数个光年外的外星生物就要心生好奇了:“这是颗什么星球,怎么每天都在折腾?” People who lived in the 1990s should be fortunate. In front of them, the early dawn of the 21st century. At the same time, the third millennium is coming. At the same time, we passed 100 years. We have passed the turn of the millennium. Such extraordinary things suddenly opened the window to the lives of human beings such as worker ants. Under such a grand background, life cannot be embarrassed, and there must be a good chance to be worthy of the Millennium and other opportunities. Regardless of whether or not the previous opportunity has been devalued by the ancestors, anyone who has been baptized by the wave of world science and technology and the industrial revolution can be said to have come prepared. In this article you can see some ambitious, earth-shaking plans for people from all over the world. Moreover, the impact of science and technology on people’s lives is enormous, and even the change of the era will bring about some small confusion to the electronic society. The smart business will naturally not miss the opportunity to use the new millennium to make a great essay. In today’s “all kinds of goods, only business respect,” today’s business sense is pervasive. In the end, readers can also see that there is still some debate about which year of the new millennium should be started. But anyway, on the night of December 31, 1999, the earth must have become a boiling planet. If every thousand years are boiled once, there are countless aliens outside the light years. Be curious and inquisitive: “What planet is this, how are you tossing every day?”
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