有多少热切的目光关注,就意味着有多大的商业机会。对于视野开阔和成熟的中外商家来说,1997年10月的上海将有一顿大餐——本世纪末中国最大的一次综合性运动会、中华人民共和国第八届运动会。同世界上其他大型运动会一样,未等竞技场上发令枪响,围绕体育的商场上的拚斗已先分出高下。 组委会:你出钱,我回报,“我们一定会回报你们的。”这是八运会集资部成员常常脱口而出的一句话。数年前上海办东亚运动会时,集资者们曾享受大量政策性集资的便利,现在不同了,集资部需煞费苦心地推介八运会的三大载体。
How much enthusiasm for attention, it means how much business opportunities. For the broad-based and mature Chinese and foreign businessmen, there will be a big meal in Shanghai in October 1997 - the largest comprehensive sports event in China at the end of this century and the Eighth Sports Games of the People’s Republic of China. Like the rest of the world’s major sports games, they did not wait for a shot at the arena and competitions around the sports malls were split. Organizing Committee: You pay, I return, “We will reward you.” This is a member of the Eighth National Games fund-raising department often blurted out a word. When the Shanghai Municipal Office for East Asian Games was held a few years ago, fund-raisers enjoyed the convenience of a large number of policy-oriented fundraisers. Now it is different. The fund-raising department needs to painstakingly promote the three major carriers of the Eighth National Games.