T型腔内和频589nm Nd:YAG黄光激光器

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To obtain high power 589-nm yellow laser, a T-shaped thermal-insensitive cavity is designed. The optimal power ratio of 1064- and 1319-nm beams is considered and the fundamental spot size distribution from the output mirror to the two laser rods are calculated and simulated, respectively. As a result, a 589-nm yellow laser with the average output power of 5.7 W is obtained in the experiment when the total pumping power is 695 W. The optical-to-optical conversion efficiency from the fundamental waves to the sum frequency generation is about 15.2% and the pulse width is 150 ns at the repetition rate of 18 kHz. The instability of the yellow laser is also measured, which is less than 2% within 3 h. The beam quality factors are M
Axial superresolution in optical coherence tomography (OCT) by a three-zone annular phase filter is demonstrated. In the proposed probe of a spectral domain OCT system, the width of the central lobe of the axial intensity point spread function is apodized
以解析热分析理论为基础,建立了平板Nd:GdVO4晶体在激光二极管阵列双侧抽运时的导热微分方程。通过方程求解,得到平板Nd:GdVO4晶体内部温度场分布的解析式和热形变分布。温度场和热形变场的数值模拟表明,当抽运光平均功率为10 W,抽运区域为1 mm×1 mm时,4组激光二极管阵列光源在3处不同位置的一维温度场、二维温度场分布和热形变量有很大差异;3处抽运光源位置所产生的温度分布和热形变量对比,得到了抽运光源在位置 1,2 处所产生的温升和热形变量相对较小,位置3处最大。
研究了一种基于渐变滤光片的2~14 m常温红外光谱辐射计,实现了2%测量波长的分辨率。针对单片渐变滤光片的波长范围限制,采用三块渐变滤光片拼接的方式与光谱融合算法,实现了2~14 m宽波段覆盖。采用精密步进电机和位置传感器方案进行精密光谱分光,实现了2%测量波长的光谱分辨率。采用斩光和数字正交锁相放大方案,实现了微弱红外光谱信号的探测。用于驱动渐变滤光片的步进电机采用近似函数控制算法和阶梯变频加速型运动律控制方案,实现了高精度步进控制和0.1 转/s~10 转/s的不同光谱测量速度。最后,简要介绍了红外光
We propose a novel all-optical buffer and shaper based on the adjustable power transferring characteristics of the complexmodulated long-period-grating coupler (CM-LPGC) and the multiple circulations of the self-closed fiber loop. By turning on the extern
Amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) always occurs in high-power DF laser systems with master oscillator-power amplifier (MOPA) configuration. ASE not only reduces the energy extraction efficiency of the laser system, but also negatively influences its he
利用三个测量波段(290,320,355 nm),进行了海水目标及溢油目标(原油、重油、柴油、汽油、棕榈油)反射特性的室外实验,获得了探测目标的上升辐射强度和溢油-海水对比度与太阳高度角和方位角的关系曲线。结果表明,当太阳高度角为40°~60°时,原油-海水对比度为14%~44%,重油-海水对比度为15%~35%,汽油-海水对比度为12%~26%,棕榈油-海水对比度为15%~47%,柴油-海水对比