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陈卫建,国家一级美术师,中国美术家协会会员,河北省美术家协会常务理事,石家庄市美术家协会副主席。1982年毕业于河北师范大学美术系,2001年参加中国美协举办的高级研讨班学习;2002年考入中央美术学院国画系第一工作室研究生班。 Chen Weijian, a national artist, a member of Chinese Artists Association, an executive member of Hebei Artists Association and a vice chairman of Shijiazhuang Artists Association. He graduated from Fine Arts Department of Hebei Normal University in 1982 and attended advanced seminar held by China Artists Association in 2001. In 2002, he was admitted to the postgraduate class in the first studio of the Department of Chinese Painting of the Central Academy of Fine Arts.
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