
来源 :蔬菜 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yanrj
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“96杂3”大白菜是西北农林科技大学园艺学院蔬菜花卉研究所培育成功的一个极早熟反季节大白菜一代杂种。综合性状表现好,现将其高效栽培技术总结如下。 一、特征特性 早熟一代杂种,生育期55天,株高30cm,株幅66cm,外叶深绿,光滑,茸毛少,叶球乳白色,矮桩 “96 miscellaneous 3” Chinese cabbage is a very early maturity and off-season Chinese cabbage generation hybrids successfully cultivated by Institute of Horticulture and Flowers, College of Horticulture, Northwest A & F University. Good overall performance, now its high-efficient cultivation techniques are summarized below. First, the characteristics of Early generation hybrids, the growth period of 55 days, plant height 30cm, plant width 66cm, dark green leaves, smooth, less hair, leaf ball milky white,
We report the exceptional case of hepatocellular carcinoma in a non-cirrhotic patient, whose Wilson’s disease was diagnosed at the unusual age of 58 years. The