My Tichet to a Different World

来源 :中学生英语·七年级 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qwerdfhkotfd
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  When I lay in hot, uncomfortable hospital bed, all I can think about is how much I want to leave this place. It has been four days that doctors told me the bad news and injected1 me with medicine. I have been able to eat only one meal a day due to the surgeries2 I was scheduled3. I got my keys, and on my keychain, there is a soft piece of leather made from my first baseball glove which I cherish4 so much. Every time when I touch the leather5, I think of one thing—baseball. It carries my great moments like winning games as well as moments where I strike out and lose. Each fiber6 that is twisted7 in the leather has changed me not only into a baseball player, but also to a real person. Even though it only weighs a couple of ounces8, it carries tons of weight.
  I close my eyes and I am taken to a field on a hot summer day. I hear a mix of the umpires9 speaking with the coaches and parents chattering from the bleachers. You can feel a pressure that is pushing down on both teams. The umpires shout to us “PLAYBALL”, I begin to run out of my home base to first base.
  All of a sudden, my nurse walks in and I wake up when I hear her voice. She didn’t mean to interrupt10, but I need more medicine. Once she leaves, I focus back in and grasp the keychain. It takes me on a wild road trip through my brain and I pause at each baseball memory.
  Finally, I let go and open my eyes, the road trip that I was on in my brain is now over. I am back to a reality of the machines, IV bottle, and my swollen11 arm. A continuous flow of people are moving in and out of the floor. My eyes move to the clock on the wall. Almost an hour has passed!Even in tough times the things you love can help you escape from what you are suffering12.
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