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1871年3月18日,在法国巴黎爆发了世界闻名的巴黎工人大起义。巴黎工人夺取了政权,梯也尔为首的反动政府逃往凡尔赛,法国无产阶级在巴黎建立了历史上第一个无产阶级政权。当时,正在巴黎为清政府办理外交公务的铁岭人张德彝目睹了这一伟大壮举,并在他的日记《航海述奇》丛书的第三部分(即《三述奇》)中,以“红头民政”为题,记录了这一震撼世界的伟大起义的许多具体情节。(1924年,瞿秋白将这次起义译为“巴黎公社”,沿用至今)如:3月18日,梯也尔政府派军队向国民自卫军的阵地巴黎城北蒙马特尔等 March 18, 1871, in Paris, France broke the world-famous Paris workers uprising. The Paris workers seized power and the reactionary government led by Thiers fled to Versailles. The French proletariat established the first proletarian government in Paris in history. At that time, Cheung Tak-yi of Tieling who was in Paris for diplomatic service for the Qing government witnessed this great feat. In the third part of his diary, “Recorded the many specific episodes of this great uprising that shook the world. (1924, Qu Qiubai will be translated as the ”Paris Commune", still in use) Such as: March 18, Thiers government sent troops to the National Guard’s position in Paris north of Montmartre, etc.
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