A Message-array-based Mechanism for Tracking Control Effects in Supervisory Control Software

来源 :International Journal of Automation & Computing | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wj34271996
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Supervisory control is a very popular paradigm for computer-controlled systems. Knowledge and tracking the control effect of every control operation is crucial to the control tasks. In the paper, we present a message-array-based mechanism to track control effects in supervisory control software. A novel data type, message array, is designed to efficiently support this tracking mechanism. The operation algorithms, adding algorithm (AA), removing algorithm (RA), and scheduler algorithm (SA) are proposed to operate the tracking messages in message array, which forms the special first input X output (FIXO) strategy of message array. Automatically tracking, recording, and rolling back are the characteristics of our tracking mechanism. We implement this messagearray-based mechanism on the famous human machine interface (HMI) software platform-proficy iFix, and construct experiments to evaluate the performance of the mechanism in various cases. The results show our mechanism can be well satisfied with supervisory control software. Supervisory control is a very popular paradigm for computer-controlled systems. Knowledge and tracking the control effect of every control operation is crucial to the control tasks. In the paper, we present a message-array-based mechanism to track control effects in supervisory control The operation algorithms, adding algorithm (AA), removing algorithm (RA), and scheduler algorithm (SA) are proposed to operate the tracking messages in message array, which forms the special first input X output (FIXO) strategy of message array. Automatically track, record, and rolling back are the characteristics of our tracking mechanism. We implement this messagearray-based mechanism on the famous human machine interface (HMI) software platform-proficy iFix, and construct experiments to evaluate the performance of the mechanism in various cases. The results show our mechanism can be well satisified fied with supervisory control software.
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[摘 要] 题目是整篇论文的“眼睛”,是論文的灵动之所在,也是对整篇论文内容的高度概括和凝练总结。一个好的论文题目不但能够起到开宗明义和引人入胜的作用,而且在很大程度上决定了论文的研究价值、研究深度等。作为社科类研究生要写好学位论文,必须坚持两点要求:选题上新颖、理论有深度。   [关键词] 论文题目;学位论文;要求   [中图分类号]G644 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 1008-
[摘 要] 党和国家历来重视高校实践育人的功能,而高校学生黨员参与社会实践教育在很大程度上决定了高校学生党建工作的实效性。本文通过问卷调查的方式对高校学生党员社会实践教育进行了PEST分析,从政治、经济、社会和科技四个角度提出高校学生党员社会实践长效机制的若干对策。   [关键词] 学生党员;社会实践;PEST;对称   [中图分类号]G641 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 1008-
[摘 要] 重新审视和思考高校辅导员“地位低”这个习以为常的认知“共识”,其产生的原因来源于社会评价、高校内部其它群体的评价、学生的评价、自身评价四个方面。在对其认知的辨析中,高校辅导员“地位低”只是职业社会地位低,而非职业政治地位和职业经济地位。应从三个方面来摆脱高校辅导员“地位低”的认知:矫正高校辅导员“万能”角色定位,回归“本能”角色定位;加大高校辅导员价值的宣传,提升高校辅导员的职业吸引力
[摘 要] 大学生领导力教育是培养在读大学生影响他人共同实现团队愿景的个人能力和素质,其提出适应了当代社会需求和国家人才发展战略,体现了高等教育培养未来领袖的使命和大学生全面发展的个体需求。本文对大学生领导力教育的目标定位、教育理念、培养方案等关键因素进行阐释,从人才选拔模式、教学方式、师资队伍、资源整合等方面提出策略与建议,以期提升大学生领导力教育的时效性。  [关键词] 大学生领导力教育;目标