
来源 :现代企业教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wo19881026
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一、在改革实践中创建了具有金川特色的职工教育管理体制职工培训中心成立以后,针对公司职工教育长期处于“无独立机构、无师资、无设施、基础薄弱”的现状,花大力气加快基础建设,以尽快形成办学规模,建立了横向能协调各部室、纵向能指导各厂矿开展职工教育与培训的新格局,并在原来公司、厂矿、车间三级职教委员会管理网络的基础上,实行“集中领导、中心统筹、部门配合、分工负责”的具有金川特色的现代企业教育管理模式。努力做到决策、管理和办学相统一、职前教育与职后教育相互贯通,初等、中等和高等 First, in the reform practice, a staff education management system featuring Jinchuan characteristics was established. After the establishment of the staff training center, the Company focused on long-term employee education in the current situation of “no independent organization, no teachers, no facilities and weak foundation” Construction, as soon as possible to form the scale of running a school, the establishment of a horizontal coordination of the ministries and departments, vertical and can guide the factory mines and staff to carry out a new pattern of education and training, and in the original company, factories and mines, workshop three vocational education on the basis of the management committee, “Centralized leadership, center co-ordination, departmental cooperation, division of labor is responsible for” with Jinchuan characteristics of modern enterprise education management. Efforts to achieve the unity of decision-making, management and running a school, pre-service education and post-secondary education interoperability, elementary, secondary and higher
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