Influence of Aluminum and Cadmium Stresses on Mineral Nutrition and Root Exudates in Two Barley Cult

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A hydroponic experiment was carried out to study the effect of aluminum (A1) and cadmium (Cd) on AI and mineral nutrient contents in plants and Al-induced organic acid exudation in two barley varieties with different Al tolerance.Al- sensitive cv.Shang 70-119 had significantly higher Al content and accumulation in plants than Al-tolerant cv.Gebeina, especially in roots, when subjected to low pH (4.0) and Al treatments (100μmol L~(-1) Al and 100μmol L~(-1) Al+1.0μmol L~(-1) Cd).Cd addition increased A1 content in plants exposed to A1 stress.Both low pH and Al treatments caused marked reduction in Ca and Mg contents in all plant parts,P and K contents in the shoots and leaves,Fe,Zn and Mo contents in the leaves,Zn and B contents in the shoots,and Mn contents both in the roots and leaves.Moreover,changes in nutrient concentrations were greater in the plants exposed to both Al and Cd than in those exposed only to Al treatment. A dramatic enhancement of malate,citrate,and succinate was found in the plants exposed to 100μmol L~(-1) Al relative to the control,and the Al-tolerant cultivar had a considerable higher exudation of these organic acids than the Al-sensitive one,indicating that Al-induced enhancement of these organic acids is very likely to be associated with Al tolerance. A hydroponic experiment was carried out to study the effect of aluminum (A1) and cadmium (Cd) on AI and mineral nutrient contents in plants and Al-induced organic acid exudation in two barley varieties with different Al tolerance. Al-sensitive cv.Shang 70-119 had significantly higher Al content and accumulation in plants than Al-tolerant cv. Gebeina, especially in roots, when subjected to low pH (4.0) and Al treatments (100 μmol L -1 Al and 100 μmol L ~ (- 1) Al + 1.0μmol L ~ (-1) Cd). Cd addition increased A1 content in plants exposed to Al stress.Both low pH and Al treatments caused marked reduction in Ca and Mg contents in all plant parts, P and K contents in the shoots and leaves, Fe, Zn and Mo contents in the leaves, Zn and B contents in the shoots, and Mn contents both in the roots and leaves. More over, changes in nutrient concentrations were greater in the plants exposed to both Al and Cd than in those exposed only to Al treatment. A dramatic enhancement of malate, citrate, and succinate was f ound in the plants exposed to 100 μmol L -1 Al relative to the control, and the Al-tolerant cultivar had an appreciably higher exudation of these organic acids than the Al-sensitive one, indicating that Al-induced enhancement of these organic acids is very likely to be associated with Al tolerance.
夏日,快乐的阳光从碧蓝的天宇洒向大地。放眼望去,亭亭玉立的葵花正抬头微笑着向太阳问好呢,习习的凉风拂过它的面庞,它舞动着身姿,仿佛要在这片艳丽的大地上舞出夏日的多彩。  树影下,是一间矮小的房屋。“多美的花呀!”屋前站着一个刚满6岁扎着两条辫子的女孩,她赞叹着,那儿有她见过的最美最大的花——两朵绽放金色光芒的向日葵,那是邻居种的。而邻居的儿子每天非去观察它不可——他要看看瓜籽长出来了没有。  小女