Measurement and Research of Equivalent Temperature Coefficient of Reactivity for CARR

来源 :Annual Report of China Institute of Atomic Energy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:allen_liliang
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The reactor with a negative temperature coefficient of reactivity has inner stability, which is a important symbol of inherent reactor safety. During the reactor start-up Commissioning Stage C for CARR, the measurement of equivalent temperature coefficient of reactivity is a important experiment by the way of measuring the reactivity change resulting of the equivalent temperature variation in the reactor core. During the reactor start-up Commissioning Stage C for CARR, the measurement of the equivalent temperature coefficient of reactivity is a important experiment by the way of measuring the reactivity change resulting of the equivalent temperature variation in the reactor core.
矿业选矿二期技改工程中,安装了2台XJC??80型外充气浮选机.此种型号浮选机是我国80年代中期研制的,其搅拌系统结构见图1.此设备在1993年投产后的生产实践中暴露出如下问题: (
In the production of radioisotopes and neutron activation analysis, the fast neutron densities are very important to estimate the yields of the radioisotopes. I
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