2002年8月19日,备受社会关注的《医疗事故技术鉴定暂行办法》出台。这个暂行办法是依据《医疗事故处理条例》制定的,它的出台使医疗事故的技术鉴定工作有了新法可依。本文从人们关心的角度出发,对暂行办法中一些重要内容作以解读。 对医疗过失行为的责任程度进行划分,涉及到处罚、赔偿等一系列关系到双方当事人切身利益的事情,也是《医疗事故技术鉴定暂行办法》中的重要内容。暂行办法把医疗过失行为的责任程度划分为哪几种呢?
On August 19, 2002, the “Interim Measures for the Technical Appraisal of Medical Accidents”, which received much public attention, was promulgated. This interim measure was formulated in accordance with the “Regulations on the Handling of Medical Accidents,” and its promulgation has brought new laws to the technical appraisal of medical accidents. This article from the perspective of people’s concern, some of the important elements of the Interim Measures for interpretation. The division of responsibility for medical negligence involves a series of issues related to the immediate interests of both parties, such as punishment and compensation. It is also an important part of the Interim Measures for the Technical Appraisal of Medical Accidents. Interim Measures to the extent of the responsibility of medical malpractice divided into what kind?