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避孕环(IUD)避孕已有80余年历史,是我国育龄妇女的主要节育措施之一。一些妇女因各种原因需要取环,而IUD迷路或部分碎片残留,或位置正常,但宫颈狭窄或阻塞,常导致取环困难。而本院自1996年8月—1998年9月应用宫腔镜对常规方法取环失败的26例妇女取出节育环,较传统方法安全且便利,临床效果良好。现报道如下:1资料与方法1.1一般资料1996年8月—1998年9月,经常规方法取环失败共26例,22例为金属圆单环,2例分别为T和Г环。年龄最大者50岁,最小24岁,平均年龄40.2岁。绝经时间最长达5年,最短者1年。放环时间最长达26年,最短3月余。1.2取环原因需生育要求取环4例;因不规则阴道流血取环4例;带环妊娠者6例;绝经期要求取环12例。1.3手术方法(1)术前准备选择月经净后3—7天,绝经妇女不受时间限制术前常规用米司酮25mg2/日共服3天。全部病例均行B超检查以了解避孕环在子宫的位置,特殊病例术前行X线摄片以便术后对照。(2)方法用德国WISAP宫腔镜和国产自动膨宫装置,5%葡萄糖液作膨宫介质而无需麻醉。患者取膀胱截石位,外阴、阴道消毒同阴道手术,宫颈扩张至7.5号,放入宫腔镜,注入膨宫液,维持? Contraceptive ring (IUD) contraception has been more than 80 years old, is one of the main birth control measures for women of childbearing age in our country. Some women need to take the ring for various reasons, while the IUD is lost or part of the debris remains or is in a normal position, but the stenosis or obstruction of the cervix often results in difficulty in taking the ring. In our hospital from August 1996 to September 1998 hysteroscopy routine use of the ring failed to take 26 cases of women taking birth control rings, safe and convenient than the traditional method, the clinical effect is good. Are reported as follows: 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 General Information August 1996 - September 1998, the conventional method failed to take a total of 26 cases of ring failure, 22 cases of metal single ring, 2 were T and Γ ring. The oldest is 50 years old, the youngest is 24 years old and the average is 40.2 years old. Menopause time up to 5 years, the shortest of 1 year. Ring up to the maximum time of 26 years, the shortest more than three months. 1.2 to take the ring due to fertility requirements take ring in 4 cases; due to irregular vaginal bleeding in 4 cases; ring with 6 cases of pregnancy; menopause required ring in 12 cases. 1.3 surgical methods (1) preoperative choice of 3-7 days after the net menstrual period, menopausal women without time limit Conventional preoperative use of 25mg2 mg / ml serving a total of 3 days. All cases underwent B-ultrasound to understand the location of the ring in the uterus, special cases preoperative X-ray for postoperative control. (2) Methods WISAP hysteroscopy and domestic automatic uterine expansion device, 5% glucose solution for uterine expansion without anesthesia. Patients with bladder lithotomy position, vulva, vaginal disinfection with vaginal surgery, cervical expansion to 7.5, into the hysteroscopy, infused uterine fluid, maintain?
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