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政府主导模式以美国、加拿大为代表,特点是以国家专门保险机构主导和经营政策性农业保险为主。政府关于农业保险的政策重点在农作物(现在逐渐向牲畜饲养业发展),有健全的、不断完善的农作物保险法律、法规,并依法由官方农作物保险公司(隶属农业部)提供农作物(包括果树、水产养殖) 一切险(多风险)的直接保险和再保险。这种经营是政策性的,但是农民均自愿投保,农民对投保的农作物仅支付纯保费的一部分,其余部分由政府补贴。政府认捐农作物保险公司相当数额的资本股份,并支付一切经营管理费用,对其资本、存款、收入和财产免征一切赋税。除政府的农作物保险公司外,其他私营、联合股份保险公司、保险互助会也都可以在政府政策性农业保险的框架下经营农作物一切险保险。 The government-led model is represented by the United States and Canada and is characterized by the domination of state specialized insurance institutions and the operation of policy-based agricultural insurance. The government’s policy on agricultural insurance focuses on crops (now gradually evolving to livestock husbandry), sound and ever-improving crop insurance laws and regulations, and is provided by the official crop insurance company (under the Ministry of Agriculture) with crops (including fruit trees, Aquaculture) All insurance (multi-risk) direct insurance and reinsurance. This kind of management is policy-oriented, but farmers voluntarily take out insurance. Farmers only pay part of the pure premium for the insured crops while the rest are subsidized by the government. The government pledges a substantial amount of capital shares in the crop insurance company and pays all operating and management costs and waives all taxes on its capital, deposits, income and property. In addition to the government crop insurance companies, other private, joint-stock insurance companies and mutual insurance associations can all operate crop risk insurance under the framework of government policy-based agricultural insurance.
(承上期)决定远行在贝藏松举行比赛时,我认识了波士顿交响乐团的指挥查理·蒙兹老师。由于我很喜爱蒙兹老师的指挥艺术,那时我就曾恳求他说:“老师,请教一教我吧!” (Previo
摘 要随着社会的进步,人们的文化知识水平不断提高、法律意识的不断增强,患者对自己就医权利的保护意识逐渐增强。这就要求医护人员在平时的治疗护理工作中必须增强法律意识,规范护理行为,在保护患者合法权益的同时也要用法律保护自己,以确保护理工作的安全、有序。  关键词门诊护士;法律意识    门诊是医院的窗口,人员流动大,病种繁多,是医疗纠纷的高发地。而护理工作本身就是高风险的职业,在工作中很多时候护士都