
来源 :生物技术世界 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aini143
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微生物学是对微生物进行深入研究的学科,在医学上得到了广泛应用,是研制抵抗人体病毒药物的核心研究技术,微生物技术的不断发展将会对人类未来产生巨大的影响。在微生物的教学中,老师需要让学生们能够打下扎实的理论技术基础,再结合实际的临床试验将所学的微生物知识进行切实的应用。生物老师要不断的改进教学策略,将课堂知识与实验研究相结合,培养学生的动手能力与实际应变能力。多媒体教学中老师能够不断的充实教学内容,进行图文并茂的生动讲解,提高学生的学习研究兴趣,从而培养出综合型人才。医学微生物学是研究人体健康问题与医学病原微生物之间的桥梁,能够提高医疗领域内对病毒的防治技能。本文主要针对微生物教学的策略进行思考。 Microbiology is a discipline that conducts in-depth research on microorganisms and has been widely used in medicine. It is the core research technology for developing a drug against human viruses. The continuous development of microbial technology will have a tremendous impact on the future of humanity. In the teaching of microorganisms, teachers need to enable students to lay a solid theoretical and technical foundation, combined with the actual clinical trials of microbial knowledge learned practical application. Biology teachers should continue to improve teaching strategies, the combination of classroom knowledge and experimental research, training students ability and practical ability to respond. In the multimedia teaching, the teacher can continuously enrich the teaching contents, vividly explain the pictures and texts, improve the students’ interest in studying and researching, and cultivate the comprehensive talents. Medical microbiology is a bridge between the study of human health problems and medical pathogenic microorganisms, to improve the prevention and treatment of the virus in the medical field skills. This article mainly focuses on the strategy of microbial teaching.
To evaluate the comparative activity of seven oral antimicrobial agents against 100 strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae (S pneumoniae) Methods Total 10
氯氮平属抗精神病药物,在其治疗过程中引起白细胞减少或缺乏甚至死亡的病例较多。但该药亦可引起白细胞增高并能引起类白血病反应。现报告4例如下。1病例摘要 病例1,男,36岁。诊断精