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High variability due to soil heterogeneity and climatic conditions challenge measurement of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as influenced by management practices
The activity concentration of natural and fallout radionuclides in the soil at some selected Thanas around the TRIGA Mark-II Research Reactor at Atomic Energy R
A socio-environmental survey amongst the inhabitants of the Sumava National Park and of the Nove Hrady Mountains took place in the summers of 2003 (Sumava), 200
Climate Change is a global phenomenon that has a global scale impact. The current trend of climate change towards the warming of the globe has resulted in vario
Market gardening, in the swampy lowlands of the Dschangcity, plays an important role in terms of providing employment, and supply the city with fresh products.
A better understanding of the mechanisms that control nutrient acquisition in the context of plant and ecosystem responses to climate change is needed. Mechanis