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自由职业、SOHO一族的兴起,让个人家庭工作室的位置越来越重要。在日趋狭小的住房空间里,拥有自己的家庭工作室对于薪水一般的工薪阶层而言,无疑是个奢侈的想法。其实,只要自己能够灵活运用空间,跳出常规的空间观念,与其他空间相互配合,这样,即使是小房子也一样可以过得很休闲。现代家庭的工作室,是一个连接外部世界的枢纽,电话、传真、视频电话、互联网……所以,家庭工作室的布置除了注重功能性的方便、频率之外,还要考虑体现工作室与外部的交流问题,家庭可以透过这里观察和理解世界。家庭工作室是家居中最能体现个性的空间,时尚简约的,传统的,或华贵的,或温馨的,一切随你所想。但是无论你怎么来装修家庭工作室,都离不开两大主要考虑因素:安静和采光好。布置创意点子:色彩尽量要柔和,可以用绿色来点缀,绿色既可调节眼睛疲劳,又能增加室内大自然气息;放一些如万年青、君子兰、吊兰之类的植物,可以爽心悦目。灯光宜采用直接照明或半直接照明方式,宜用半封闭、不透明金属工作台灯,可将光集中投到桌面上,既满足作业平面的需求,又不影响室内其他活动。选购电脑桌之前,应先想好自己将要安放的设备都有哪些,电脑的主配件(如扫描仪、打印机、调制解调器等)近期是否会有增加,在此基础上再去考虑所要购买的电脑桌 The rise of freelancers and SOHO owners has made the position of individual family studios more and more important. In the increasingly narrow housing space, having your own family studio is undoubtedly a luxury idea for the salaried working class. In fact, as long as you can use space flexibly, jump out of the conventional concept of space, and cooperate with other spaces, so that even a small house can be very casual. The studio of a modern family is a hub connecting the outside world with telephone, fax, video telephony, and the Internet... Therefore, apart from the functional convenience and frequency, the layout of the family studio should also consider the studio and the exterior. The problem of communication, families can observe and understand the world through here. The family studio is the best expression of personality in the home, stylish, simple, traditional, or luxurious, or warm, everything you want. But no matter how you come to decorate your home studio, you can’t live without two major considerations: quietness and good lighting. Arrange creative ideas: Colors should be as soft as possible, and green can be used to embellish them. Green can both adjust eyestrain and increase the natural atmosphere of the room. Putting on plants such as evergreen, clivia, and spider orchid can be refreshing. Lights should adopt direct lighting or semi-direct lighting. Semi-closed and opaque metal work table lamps should be used. Light can be concentrated on the desktop, satisfying the requirements of the work plane without affecting other indoor activities. Before you buy a computer desk, you should first think about what you are going to put on your device. Whether the computer’s main accessories (such as scanners, printers, modems, etc.) will increase in the near future, and then consider the computer you want to buy. table
I want to tell you a true story--a girl named Xiao Li. Xiao Li’s parents were both peasants. When Xiao Li was only two years old, her parents took her to Shang
(1)将石蜡捣成细末,往玻璃瓶内装半瓶,灌满煤油,放在暖和的地方使石蜡慢慢熔化,将这种溶液涂在生锈的铁制农具上,24 h后即可用旧布或废纸擦去铁锈。对没有生锈的农具,此溶液