
来源 :中学生英语·九年级 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jushicahgn
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  1~5 AABCC 6~10 AABCB
  11~15 CBACC 16~20 BBBBA
  21~25 TFFFT
  26~30 CCABA
  31~35 EADCB
  36. Communication
  37. begins
  38. strong
  39. both ways
  40. Listen to
  41. Do they help with our reading and understanding?
  42. They give information to readers.
  43. 一幅画胜过千言万语并不总是真的。
  44. but it doesn’t take much time to read and understand.
  45. 有时,也会给出数字和百分比来和词语一起做解释。
  46. In the bathroom.
  47. I should stop and think if I can use that item again.
  48. Because items with food or drink can’t be recycled, and this also saves time for the workers in the recycling center.
  49. A whole life.
  50. The passage is mainly about how to make recycling work better.
  One possible version:
  Me in the Mirror
  Looking at myself in the mirror, I know I am an outgoing girl. I like to make friends and I’m always ready to help them. So I’m very popular in my school. But I have a big problem. I’m less interested in my lessons and I can’t concentrate in class. In my spare time I spend too much time on computer games, so I don’t get good grades which make my parents disappointed.
  When I go to senior high school I hope to get along well with my classmates and try to make more friends. I hope we can help each other and learn from each other. I will make a good study resolution and try my best to go for it. I decide to have a healthier lifestyle. I’ll spend more time on my school work and develop good learning habits. I will concentrate more in class and finish my study tasks carefully. What’s more, I will read more books and master good learning methods. I hope to make great progress and make my parents proud of me.
  1~5 CABAC 6~10 CCABA
  11~15 BAACB 16~20 BCABC
  21~25 TTFTF
  26~30 CBCBB
  31~35 EACFD
  36. confident 37. comfortable
  38. body language 39. relaxed
  40. don’t use
  41. Be active in class.   42. It’s okay if you give the wrong answer.
  43. 确保你晚上有充足的睡眠并且在学习的时候不时地休息一下。
  44. 以良好的习惯开始你的年轻生活,会让你有一个健康的未来。
  45. Though you might be busy with your studies every day, you should spend time having fun and enjoying life.
  46. They should live and finish difficult task.
  47. More than 60 students.
  48. They did part-time jobs, gave talent shows and drew and made paper crafts.
  49. Living was hard./It was important to learn a special skill./Success came from many tries.
  50. To develop students’ living skills and social responsibility. (答案不唯一。)
  One possible version:
  Dear Bill,
  Thanks for your last e-mail. I’m glad to tell you that our scores of P.E. add up to 60 at the Senior High School Entrance Examination, which encourages us to take an active part in exercise.
  As you know, my favorite subject is P.E. I think doing sports is good for both my health and study. I did very well in the exam, too.
  In the past, I practised carefully in each P.E. class, learning to play basketball, run and so on. On weekends I usually played ping-pong with my friends. However, I can’t swim. In the coming summer vacation, I’ll learn it. During senior high school, I plan to join the swimming club. Can you give me more advice?
  Look forward to your e-mail.
  Li Hua
  1~5 CAACA 6~10 AACBC
  11~15 CBACC 16~20 CCBBA
  21~25 FFTFF
  26~30 ACBAC
  31~35 FCDBE
  36. nervous or frightened
  37. red faces
  38. broken sentences
  39. go outside
  40. Are you shy (答案不唯一)
  41. 我希望你假期过得愉快,但你有重要的事情要考虑
  42. Find out what you need to prepare for your dream job.
  43. It is a good way to help you to think more clearly.
  44. 仔细考虑他们的建议,必要时对你的计划做些修改。
  45. You can make your dream come true only through hard work.
  46. On the Internet./On Taobao.
  47. Put your photo with self-introduction on it.
  48. It should pay the university 1,000 yuan to book the graduate.
  49. Yes, it will.
  50. To ask people to find more ways to help college graduates find jobs.
  One possible version:
  My Words to You All
  How time flies! Our junior high school days are coming to an end, and I’d like to say a lot to you all who have helped me and stayed with me. Firstly, I’d like to thank my great teachers. They teach me not only how to learn but also how to be a man. Though they look strict and serious, they are always kind to me. Secondly, I want to thank my friendly classmates. As long as I have trouble, they are always around me. I miss the happy days when we stay with each other. I love all of you. Finally, I’m going to thank my parents. They always look after me very well to keep me healthy. And they often encourage me to work hard at school.
民进贵州天柱县支部成立于2015年,成立之初会员仅5人。支部成立后,认真理清发展思路,争取到天柱县四大班子及其工作部门的大力支持。经过几年发展,2019年底会员人数达30人。会员主要分布在教育、医卫等界别,会员中中高级知识分子占多数。  根据县域政治经济等实际,支部班子构思有医疗区块、教育区块、行政单位区块及非公经济区块四大会员发展方向。根据发展方向,有针对性、有步骤地在各个领域发展会员。  注重
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编者注:  姚小平,祖籍浙江省平湖县乍浦镇,1953年3月23日生于上海,现为北京外国语大学外国语言研究所研究员,博士生导师,《外语教学与研究》双月刊主编,《当代语言学》、《语言研究》、《语言科学》、《外语学刊》杂志编委,沈阳师范大学、北外日本学研究中心客座教授,福建师大、西南师大、西北师大、东北师大等校兼职教授。  我的英语基本上是自学来的。可是一开始,我的发音肯定是很糟糕的,之后听了英语广播,
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摘 要 作为一种学生组织形式,体育社团在我国出现的并不晚,但在初中阶段还不够普遍,远不能与日本等初中体育社团极为发达的国家相比。而一些学校已经得到的研究实践结果充分证明,体育社团的良好运行对于初中生的身心全面发展是很有帮助的。所以,必须大力推动我国初中的体育社团发展,同时还要保证社团质量。形成正确的初中体育社员组织与指导策略迫在眉睫。本文即从吸引学生参与、提升学生水平和践行分层教学三个方面,对该领
摘 要 孩子的教育不可以完全交由学校教育,同时还要家庭教育的配合,如果单靠学校教育或者单靠家庭教育都是不完整的教育,只有将家庭教育与学校教育相结合,在农村小学中,家庭教育与学校教育的配合并没有得到理想的效果,这是因为受到了各种因素的影响。本文针对农村家庭教育与学校教育配合问题作出简要的分析。  关键词 农村 家庭教育 学校教育 配合问题  一、学校教育与家庭教育配合中存在的问题  (一)家长错误认
人物名片  习瑾昆,民进华北理工大学二支部副主任,华北理工大学教授,享受河北省政府特殊津贴专家。先后获河北省中医药学会科学技术一等奖、省煤炭工业科学技术奖一等獎、第十二届河北省青年科技奖。2013年入选河北省“三三三人才工程”第三层次人选。2019年,获全国五一劳动奖章。  留学美国求新知  为在第一时间获得心脏研究领域的最新成果,2006—2009年,习瑾昆在美国北卡罗莱纳大学做研究助理,参与美