教师是人类灵魂的工程师,当然也是造就人才的工程师。就是那些自学成材的人,也离不开教师的指点。 我国著名的数学家华罗庚,十五岁“走向生活”。他是自学成材的人,但他忘不了当年的金坛中学,忘不了金坛中学的数学老师王维克。一九五○年他从西德回国。第一封信就是写给王维克的。他对王维克何以那样想念?原来,他在金坛中学读书时,作业经常涂改,字也写得不好。当时,有人慨叹说:
Teachers are engineers of human souls, and of course engineers who make talents. Those who are self-taught are also inseparable from the teachers’ guidance. China’s famous mathematician Hua Luogeng, 15 years old “towards life.” He was a self-taught person, but he could not forget the Jintan Middle School that year and could not forget Wang Weike, a mathematics teacher at Jintan Middle School. In 1950 he returned from West Germany. The first letter was written to Wang Weike. Why did he miss Wang Wei Ke like that? It turned out that when he was studying at Jintan Middle School, his homework was often altered and his characters were not well written. At that time, someone lamented: