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目的了解不同地区老年这一特殊人群中乙肝病毒、梅毒和艾滋病病毒的感染情况,以便在口岸对高龄人群提供相关疾病的旅行保健咨询,保护老年健康。方法运用血清流行病学方法,对1999-2002年间到湖北保健中心办理出入境和涉外婚前检查的三类人群中60岁以上老年人的乙肝表面抗原、梅毒螺旋体抗体、艾滋病病毒抗体监测资料按年龄、地区、职业进行统计、比较、分析。结果在981人中共检出乙肝病毒感染者47人,感染率为4.79%;梅毒感染者17人,感染率为1.73%;艾滋病病毒感染者2人,感染率为0.2%;总的感染人数66人,总感染率为6.73%。感染者的年龄分布:60-69岁组41人,感染率为4.18%;70-79岁组22人,感染率为2.24%;80岁以上3人,感染率为0.30%。感染者的地区分布:乙肝病毒感染香港高于其它三地;梅毒感染台湾高于其它三地;艾滋病病毒感染香港高于台湾。从总的感染率来看,香港最高(10.14%),明显高于其它地区,差异显著(X~2=9.70,P<0.05)。感染者的职业分布:内地乙肝病毒感染以海员最高(28.57%),各职业间差异非常显著(X~2=21.16,P<0.01)。香港以退休或退伍人员的较高(11.11%),台湾以工、农、个体的较高(11.76%),但两地各职业间的差异不显著(X~2分别为1.06、3.95,P>0.05)。艾滋病病毒感染,港、台各1例。结论部分老年人(感染者)仍有传播肝炎、性病、艾滋病的危险,提示在出入境传染病监测中不能忽视老年人群,尤其要加强港台老年人的传染病监测,并为他们提供卫生宣传和健康咨询,增强老年旅行者的自我防护意识,提高健康水平。 Objectives To understand the prevalence of hepatitis B virus (HBV), syphilis and HIV in this special age group in different areas in order to provide senior citizens with travel health advice on related diseases and protect the health of the elderly. Methods Serum epidemiological methods were used to monitor the HBsAg, Treponema pallidum and HIV antibodies among the three groups above 60 years of age who went to Hubei health centers for immigration and premarital premarital investigation between 1999 and 2002 by age , Regions, occupations statistics, comparison, analysis. Results Of the 981 people, 47 were detected with hepatitis B virus infection, the infection rate was 4.79%; 17 were infected with syphilis, the infection rate was 1.73%; 2 were HIV-infected, the infection rate was 0.2%; the total number of infections 66 The total infection rate was 6.73%. The age distribution of PLWHA was 41 in 60-69 age group and the infection rate was 4.18%. There were 22 persons in 70-79 age group with infection rate of 2.24%. The infection rate was 0.30% in 3-year-old and above. The geographical distribution of infected persons: hepatitis B virus infection in Hong Kong is higher than the other three places; syphilis infection in Taiwan is higher than the other three places; and HIV infection in Hong Kong is higher than in Taiwan. From the total infection rate, the highest in Hong Kong (10.14%) was significantly higher than in other regions (X 2 = 9.70, P 0.05). Occupational Distribution of Infected Persons: The highest seafarer’s rate of hepatitis B virus infection in the Mainland (28.57%) was significant among all occupations (X 2 = 21.16, P <0.01). Hong Kong has a high retired or retired staff (11.11%) and a higher work-unit (11.76%) in Taiwan. However, there is no significant difference between occupations in both places (X ~ 2 = 1.06, P = 3.95, P > 0.05). HIV infection, Hong Kong and Taiwan in 1 case. Conclusion Some elderly people (infected persons) still have the risk of transmitting hepatitis, sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS. This indicates that the elderly can not be ignored in the surveillance of SARs. In particular, we should strengthen the monitoring of infectious diseases among the elderly in Hong Kong and Taiwan and provide them with health promotion And health counseling to enhance seniors’ self-protection awareness and improve their health level.
京东亏损的确收窄了,但远未到公司自称的“首次盈利”,按照通用会计准则,仍处于亏损之中。  3月2日,京东(NASDAQ:JD)发布了2016年第四季度及全年未经审计的业绩报告。数据显示,京东2016年第四季度营收、净亏损分别为803亿元和16.7亿元;2016年全年营收、净亏损分别为2602亿元和34.7亿元。此外,京东正式宣布出售京东金融68.6%股份,对价约为143亿元。  财报发布后,京东宣
摘要:在社会发展体系中,医疗事业发展迅速,其带来了社会经济的发展,医疗卫生事业呈现出专业性发展的特点,可从不同层面满足人们的实际需求,其中,公立口腔专科医院数量越来越多。新时期,为促进公立口腔专业医院的可持续发展,加强财务管理十分关键,而为了提高采取管理水平,必须要构建科学而完善的预算管理体系,是保证医院高效运行的重要前提。对此,本文就公立口腔专科医院全面预算管理体系构建展开了分析与研究。  关键
目前企业大多是股份制经营,其管理方法也多种多样,科学的方法有内外部要素评价矩阵、矩阵分析法、价值链分析法和定量战略规划矩阵等。 At present, most companies are joi