Unregulated emissions from a diesel engine equipped with vanadium-based urea-SCR catalyst

来源 :Journal of Environmental Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lzbenz
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The present work is aimed at the study of number-size distribution of particles,volatile organic compounds(VOCs),and carbonyl compounds(CC) or carbonyls emitted from a 4-cylinder turbocharged diesel engine equipped with a vanadium-based urea selective catalytic reduction catalyst.The engine was run on an electric dynamometer in accordance with the European steady-state cycle.Pollutants were analyzed using an electric low pressure impactor,a gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer,and a high performance liquid chromatography system for the number-size distribution of particles,VOCs,and CC emissions,respectively.Experimental results revealed that total number of particles were decreased,and their number-size distributions were moved from smaller sizes to larger sizes in the presence of the catalyst.The VOCs were greatly reduced downstream of the catalyst.There was a strong correlation between the conversion of styrene and ethyl benzene.The conversion rate of benzene increased with increase of catalyst temperature.Formaldehyde,acetaldehyde,acrolein and acetone were significantly reduced,resulting in a remarkable abatement in carbonyls with the use of the vanadium-based urea-SCR system. The present work is aimed at the study of number-size distribution of particles, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and carbonyl compounds (CC) or carbonyls emitted from a 4-cylinder turbocharged diesel engine equipped with a vanadium- catalyst. The engine was run on an electric dynamometer in accordance with the European steady-state cycle. Pollutants were analyzed using an electric low pressure impactor, a gas chromatograph / mass spectrometer, and a high performance liquid chromatography system for the number-size distribution. of particles, VOCs, and CC emissions, respectively. Experimental results revealed that total number of particles were decreased, and their number-size distributions were moved from smaller sizes to larger sizes in the presence of the catalyst. the catalyst. There was a strong correlation between the conversion of styrene and ethyl benzene. The conversion rate of benzene increased with increase o f catalyst temperature. Normaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acrolein and acetone were significantly reduced, resulting in a remarkable abatement in carbonyls with the use of the vanadium-based urea-SCR system.
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