于老三(于万盛),1939年出生于河北任丘,自幼酷爱绘画,曾拜当地的书画名家李光谦为启蒙老师,期间临摹了许多乡间的藏画,学习传统笔法,博采众家之长,受益匪浅,少年时定居北京后,又大量临摹了“八大、道济、赵志谦、吴昌硕、任伯年”等大师的名作, 1960年拜国画大师齐白石之四子——齐良迟先生为师,成为齐先生的入室弟子,学习写意花鸟。20世纪70年代后,老三开始在齐派书法的基础上力求创新,他选择了国花牡丹为主攻课题,他在齐派笔墨
Yuansan (Yu Wansheng) was born in Renqiu, Hebei Province in 1939 and loved painting since childhood. Li Guangqian, a famous calligrapher of the local painting and calligraphy school, started his training as a teacher of enlightenment. During his stay, he copied many Tibetan paintings and learned traditional techniques, After a long time, benefited a lot. When he was young and settled in Beijing, he copied a large number of masterpieces such as “The Eight Great, Dao Ji, Zhao Zhiqian, Wu Changshuo and Ren Bo Nian.” In 1960, Mr. Liang Chi as a teacher, became Mr. Qi’s entry disciples, learning freehand flowers and birds. After the 1970s, the youngest son began to strive for innovation on the basis of Qi’s calligraphy. He chose Peony as the main subject,