Prediction of Structure-H Gas Hydrate Formation Conditions for Reservoir Fluids

来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tomjohn3168
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In this work, a thermodynamic model is developed for prediction of structure H hydrate formation. The model combines the Peng-Robinson equation of state for the vapor, liquid and aqueous phases with the extended Ng-Robinson hydrate model for gas hydrate formation of all three structures. The parameters of 14 structure- H hydrate formers are determined based on the experimental data of structure-H hydrates in the literature. The expression of fugacity of water in the empty hydrate phase is correlated for calculating structure-H hydrate formation conditions in the absence of free water. The model is tested by predicting hydrate formation conditions of a number of structure-H hydrate forming systems which are in good agreement with the experimental data. The proposed model is also applied to the prediction of hydrate formation conditions for various reservoir fluids such as natural gas and gas condensate. In this work, a thermodynamic model is developed for prediction of structure H hydrate formation. The model combines the Peng-Robinson equation of state for the vapor, liquid and aqueous phases with the extended Ng-Robinson hydrate model for gas hydrate formation of all three structures. The parameters of 14 structure-H hydrate formers are determined based on the experimental data of structure-H hydrates in the literature. The expression of fugacity of water in the empty hydrate phase is correlated for calculating structure-H hydrate formation conditions in the absence of free water. The model is tested by predicting hydrate formation conditions of a number of structure-H hydrate forming systems which are in good agreement with the experimental data. The proposed model is also applied to the prediction of hydrate formation conditions for various reservoirs fluids such as natural gas and gas condensate.
【适用话题】珍惜生命 人生追求 健康的生活 生命的意义  作文君:2018年11月,“知乎日报”推荐了一篇王小波的外甥姚勇(本刊2013年第12期P32曾刊登王小波《我怎样做青年的思想工作》,姚勇就是文中“青年”本人,如今是个软件工程师)在知乎问题“王小波的计算机水平到底有多好?”下的回答,从中我们能认识作家王小波“极客”的一面。  我舅舅是王小波。王小波一篇《我是怎样做青年的思想工作》的杂文在我
21世纪各国都为新一轮的西部等落后地区开发制定了新的可持续发展战略,掀起了新一轮的开发热潮。 20世纪,世界各国为使其经济和社会发展步入良性循环,纷纷仿效美国等发达国家制定扶
兰州化学公司化肥厂每年要进行一次停车大检修。在检修置换前,变换炉出入口必须加盲板,切断气体来源,以防止空气进入变换炉,导致触媒温度急剧变化和粉尘进入污染触媒。 我厂
陪老妈去中医院做针灸。两岁的小外甥女——粘粘像个蜘蛛网一样缠住我妈,只好带她一块出门。一听到出去玩,她 “噔噔噔”迅速蹭到门口换鞋,哼唧哼唧冲到电梯口摁亮下楼键。她继续在原地踉踉跄跄,“吧唧吧唧”作响,她全身跟着节奏左晃右晃,自娱自乐,引人注目。  医院到了,空间很大,空调足,凉滋滋的。陌生的地方,她兴致昂扬,到处转悠,眼睛睁大使劲看也看不够,我这才发现她鞋子的“可怖”之处。  因为是大中午,没几