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出口退税政策的调整,涉及地方政府的利益不小。首先,下调出口退税率,受影响的出口企业多少及程度大小,直接影响到当地经济和吸引外资,从而给地方官员的政绩带来负面影响。其次,2004年1月1日以后新产生的出口退税将由中央和地方财政共同分担,其中中央财政负担75%,地方财政负担25%。这对地方政府来说,无疑是增加了一个“沉重包袱”。各地政府开展紧急调研目前正在调研退税政策调整对北京外贸出口的影响,然后进行测算,采取相关措施。据了解,很多企业对税率下调几个百分点都表示无所谓,只要能把旧账及时还清,就能解决流动资金压力。生产型国企、外企和中小私营企业压力相对较小,外贸公司的风险大一些。有些企业会抢在今年出口以享受高退税率,但有些企业也想等到明年出口以便及时拿到退税。因此,预计今年北京的出口格局不会发生太大的变化,但明年就不一定了。 The adjustment of export tax rebate policy involves the interests of local governments are not small. First of all, lowering the rate of export tax rebates, how much and to what extent the affected export enterprises directly affect the local economy and attract foreign investment will have a negative impact on the performance of local officials. Second, the newly created export tax rebate after January 1, 2004 will be shared between the central and local governments, of which the central government will pay 75% and the local government will pay 25%. This undoubtedly adds a “heavy burden” to local governments. All local governments carry out emergency investigations and studies are currently investigating the impact of tax rebate policy adjustments on Beijing’s foreign trade exports, and then make calculations and take relevant measures. It is understood that many companies have said that the tax rate down a few percentage points that does not matter, as long as the old account can be paid in time, you can solve the liquidity pressure. The pressure on production-oriented state-owned enterprises, foreign enterprises and small and medium-sized private-owned enterprises is relatively small, and the risks of foreign trade companies are larger. Some enterprises will rush to export this year to enjoy a high tax rebate rate, but some enterprises also want to wait until next year’s exports so as to get the tax rebate promptly. Therefore, it is expected that the export pattern in Beijing will not change much this year, but not necessarily next year.
Objective:To explore the hepatoprotective and anti-oxidant activities of the methanolic leaf extract of Bridelia micrantha(B.micrantha) on paracetamol induced l
我们 1 996年在进行“稻田主养彭泽鲫的试验”研究时 ,对主养彭泽鲫稻田二晚期间的病虫草害情况进行了调查 ,并选择主养彭泽鲫二晚稻田和未养鱼二晚稻田各一块作对比观测 ,旨
Objective:To evaluate in vitro antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of methanolic extract of Jasminum humile(J.humile) leaves extract.Method:Methanolic extr
我们选取了三本新创的文学杂志进行抽样测试,除了《文艺风赏》为创刊后的第二期外,《天南》《大方》均是创刊号。测试分两个环节进行,先是参数测评,后是对其中一篇文章的细读考察。     封面设计  《天南》从容的艺术风范,一如市面上大多曲高和寡的艺术类杂志。跟绝大多数此类杂志不同,《天南》封底的奢侈品广告,大概也能说明他们的确不用再走传统文学期刊的路线了。《大方》的第一期封面已成为一个笑话,不是你买了图
Objective:To evaluate the protective effect of Woodfordia fruticosa Kurz flowers against experimentally induced liver toxicity in rats.Methods:Two different dos